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The shining sun starts to lit up the spanish girl beautiful face, she raises up her hand so the light is blocked by her arm, blocking the lit shining light from reaching her warm gentle red eyes. Felicia is currently walking in the busy sidewalk, getting her long brown hair bursted by the wind.

She wanted to get a fresh air after what happened days ago, not that it made a bad memory to her mind. But something more, she could say as a priceless moment. The moment where she can never forget, is now stuck inside her mind. As a smile shines bright from her face, for remembering that moment.

"Good morning Madam" a small shopkeeper greeted her as she walked pass by.

Felicia stopped and spun her body around to see the figure who called out her name, revealing an old friendly figure. Felicia looked around the old figure's stall, to see what she sells. Seems like she sells some bread, many kinds of bread and with some different shape and sizes.

"Morning, what a nice smell of bread you have here" her nose moves a bit as her head started to get closer to the stall.

"Oh yes, im just done baking this dear. Still very warm" her tone could be heard as a friendly old figure who seems innocent. Her warm smile makes the surrounding even more friendly.

"I would like to have this, the smell is very attracting" she picked up a bunch of bread and started to hand them to the old figure.

"Sure dear~"

She packed Felicia's order as she handed her a small bag, the spanish girl handed her the money as she started to spun her body. To leave the stall. But her action is stopped by the old figure's grab,

"Dear, you handed me more than enough money to buy those bread"

Felicia spun her head, she smiles. She shakes her head slow as she grabs the old figure's hand.

"Don't worry, keep it. I just want to bless your cooking is very well paid off"

"May your warm heart be blessed dear" the old figure spoke as her sweet warm tone could be heard.

Felicia smiles as she waves her hand goodbye to the old figure, she smiles as she waves back at Felicia. She walks away from the small stand, slowly towards the busy sidewalk. As her hand is holding the small bag, she grabbed a small piece of bread, and started to munch it with her glossy mouth.

She closes her mouth as the taste of the bread spreads to her tongue, she enjoys it while she is walking in the busy sidewalk. She remembered something, there is a cafe that just opened yesterday, just a couple of blocks from her location right now.

"Oh yeah, i want to go to that cafe"

She saw a small alley that could lead to the new cafe, it can be a short cut for her. She knew the way, Claudio once told her. She started to walk inside the small alley, with a bread still on her grip.

Her figure started walking a couple of steps inside the small alley, but Felicia does not realize some figure are walking behind her, sneaking from her behind. Felicia could heard footsteps, getting closer to her hearing. But she does not care, she kept walking forward, still on the same level of speed.

"Hey do you know about the girl who lives with Claudio?"

A voice could be heard behind her, Felicia stopped her mouth from eating. She put his bread down inside her small bag back, she knew that the figures behind her is following her. Felicia doesn't increase her speed of walking, she is still walking in the same speed.

"Oh yes, i saw he kissed her days ago"

"Really?! Wow that girl must be a slut, am i right?" her tone could be said as a 'surprised but not really'

Fated by Destiny | Claudio SerafinoWhere stories live. Discover now