The Sirius Marksmen

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Claudio walks with his hand holding Felicia's, their hand are holding tight to each other. Felicia smiles doesn't disappear for a long time, she kept smiling as she look towards her hand that are holding Claudio's hand.


Felicia started a conversation, by looking him slowly with her soft warm red eyes. Claudio turns his head around, facing Felicia. He smiled a bit knowing that he still holds her hand.

"Yes Felicia?"

"Where exactly are we heading to?"

Claudio smiled a bit, he kinda interested in Felicia's act of not knowing things. But before claudio could answer, he stopped, making Felicia stop too. He releases his hand that are holding Felicia's hand, and turned around to her.

"Welcome, to the Secret Society of The Sirius Marksmen" he points at a huge building in front of them, the sirius logo that pointed out big in front of the huge building clears out everything.

Felicia's eyes couldn't believe what she sees, her dream to visit the Sirius Marksmen Secret Society has been fulfilled. As an assassin, to meet the most powerful exorcist is like a dream, because they are like a generation that were separated. Similar, but the exorcist was known are more deadlier, more vicious, and more dangerous.

He pulled Felicia's hand and walk in to the building, a woman were sitting on the couch near the entrance greeted them well. She stood up and reach for Felicia's hand, she has short black hair, and she has the same height with Felicia. Her green eyes are beautiful.

"Hi! Welcome! I'm Retaliana" the woman shakes Felicia's hand, and greeted her with a warm smile.

"Felicia" said Felicia. Felicia looks at the inner huge building, full of sirius equipment.

"So captain, what brings you here?" Retaliana looks at Claudio, who's not often to come.

"I'm here to show Felicia our base, she's an Assassin, i thought that'll make her interested" he turns his head to Felicia, and right there Felicia smiled happily than ever.

"Very!" Felicia shouted, almost make the huge building collapsed.

Retaliana smiled, she knows that Assassins from generation to generation are a big fan of The Sirius Marksmen. She looks at their hand that are holding each other, she smiles.

"So...captain, new interest?" Retaliana looks at their hand.

"Retaliana!" Claudio shouted, making the room filled with laughter. There are a lot of people in the room, that makes him very angry. Felicia doesn't laugh, cause she doesn't understand the thing. Retaliana laughs hard, softly. She puts her hand on Felicia's shoulder, she nodded.

"Then, enjoy your time here"

"Thank you! Very much!" Felicia shouted a little too hard, making Claudio shakes his head.

Claudio pulls Felicia's hand, making her to follow him. He walks to a small door at the back, he opens it, revealing a large-giant training area. Targets all over the place, arrows and bows are fulfilled in the cupboard, guns are hanging on the wall. It's like a dream come true for Felicia.

Felicia runs to the guns that are hanging on the wall, she grabs two and started to shoot, she has to hit 10 targets with a short time.


Some people in the room clapped for her, Retaliana who was in the control room smiled and get out.

"wow, 10.28 seconds" she said.

"wow Felicia, you even beat my record"

Claudio turns his head to his spanish partner, who was staring at the targets. Felicia confuses a bit, how come she beat the captain of the sirius marksmen?

"Yes Felicia, Our captain WAS the record here. On exact 10.50 seconds" Retaliana replied, Felicia smiled happily and proud. She puts out her assassin blade both from her right and left arm sleeve.

"Do you have a training spot for blades?"

Retaliana smiled, she walks forward towards another door beside the control room, she turns her head around to them, hypnotized, Claudio and Felicia follows her. She opens the door, and revealing an empty huge room.

Retaliana stops, she shows some targets on the floor. She told Felicia the targets will appear randomly with a no time minimum. The targets will pop up if the training begins.

As the alarm for the training begin, a target appears in front of her. She destroys it. Another on the corner of the room, Felicia runs very very fast and destroyed it. Another one, another, until the last one. The very last one was on the top of the room's roof. She confuses at first, without any time wasted,she quickly thows one of her blade. Making the last target falls.

Retaliana clapped, she cheered loudly.

"Impressive Felicia! But sadly you didn't beat Claudio's record" she smiles and turns her head to Claudio.

"You are 2 minute and 10 seconds, Claudio was 1 minute and 23 seconds" Retaliana continues. Claudio smiled smirkingly proud, looks at Felicia's confuse face.

"How come you done it so fast?" Felicia asked Claudio.

"Well Felicia, he uses his holy power you know..." said Retaliana.

"What?! That's cheating!" she punches Claudio on the shoulder, making him and Retaliana laughs.

Claudio smiled, and looks at Felicia in the eye soft, and deep. They look at each other for a long time, making Retaliana said,

"I'll leave you guys to it then" she left the room, waving to them. As the door closed, they didn't stop staring at each other. Felicia blushed a bit, she looks away from him. Caresses her own hair, she said,

"W-why are you looking at me like that?"

"I thought you're the one who were looking at me" Claudio smirks.

"We both did ok!" Felicia didn't noticed her reply. She blushed even more.

"Ok let's carry on" she walks forward, told Claudio to follow her. He some kind of hypnotized of her act, his smile didn't disappear for a long time. He follows her to the door, leaving the training area.

As Retaliana leave the room, she goes out from the building to have a fresh air. She noticed there is a shadow beside the building, a shadow of a man who looks like wearing a coat. She runs to the side of the building, confuse that she didn't find anyone.

"Is someone spying on me?" said her.

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