Duomo di Sirio

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"And the highest score for the final test is!....Felicia Franco! Congrats!" said Mr. Fon

The result from the final test of the Assasin secret club for women have been announced, and Felicia did a great job. She lives in spain, with her mom. Her father died in a 'muderer accident', yet she hasn't found the murderer. She swears that she will find who ever killed her beloved father. The test was purposely to search a strong woman, to be partnered with the most powerful exorcist in the current generation. Named Claudio Serafino. And to live with him in italy.

Felicia excitements brings Mr. Fon ( her teacher ) a joyful and a proud smile. Felicia gives her teacher one last hug, then she runs home to her mother to announce the excitement.

"Mama, i did it!" said Felicia. Felicia runs into her mother hug and smile widely.

"Im so proud of you, your father would be to"

Felicia tighten her hug, she felt as if she couldn't let go.

"Help me pack with my stuff?" said Felicia with a puppy eyes.

"Honey, i will pack your stuff. All you have to do is go to sleep, i can't let you be tired on your first day" her mother said to her as she rubs he head softly.

Felicia smiles and thanked her mother, she goes staright to her room and went to bed. She prepares for tomorrow is the big day.

I wonder if italy is beautiful or not
Thought felicia on her mind. Then she fell to sleep.

On the next day

Felicia arrives at the airport with her mother and friends from the Assasin club. Felicia's friends give her a one last hug goodbye before she enters the plane.

Ruby, who is Felicia's closest friend suddenly whispered in her ear.

"Tell me if he's hot"

"Ruby! We can hear you!" all of her friends suddenly shouted at her. Felicia laughed so hard.

Felicia approaches to her mother, she stood there for 2 seconds, before she gives her a warm hug. She hugged her mother for so long, because she knows that she would miss her badly.

"Mama, why won't you come?"

"Oh Felicia, i need to keep your father's house safe. I promise i'll visit you"


"Like a ring" said her mother. She gives Felicia a soft kiss on her forehead. Then Felicia walks forward to the airplane's entrance, but then she stopped at the very front of the entrance. She turns around and wave goodbye one last time. Then she saw her mother's smile, she smiled back. And off her goes to her plane.

Felicia sits in the front row of the seat. And suddenly the pilot came from the entrance door. The man wearing a coat in white gives felicia a smirking smile.

"Ah madam, you must be Felicia. Greetings, Lee Chaolan, at your service. Your flight attendance, and your pilot as well. Please, enjoy the ride as you might" he kissed Felicia's hand softly and then he goes straight to the pilot room.

Felicia gives him a warm smile, then as the plane goes airborne, she stares the sky. And saw her home country below her.

Bye spain and im coming italy!


Felicia stepped out from the airplane with Lee. He shows Felicia around the airport. Then he order a taxi for them to ride, to their first destination, Duomo di Sirio. At the front gate, The big Mansion awaits them. Lee opens the big door and let Felicia in.

"Wow, how beautiful, and this place looks like 10 times bigger than my house. Oh my god...." Felicia turns away the other way and the other. Looking at the huge mansion. Lee smiled and replies.

"My violet system Corporation are even more bigger you know" he smirked a little. Then, not even 5 second past, a man dressed in white coat sirius style walks by on the second floor. His smirking face was seen 'unstoppable' by Felicia.

"Welcome" said the deep man's voice. He jumped high, and landed in front of Felicia.

"My name-"

"Claudio Serafino" said Felicia. She finishes his sentences before he does. He smirks a bit.

"You are a quick learner Ms. Franco"

"You can call me Felicia" Felicia offers her hand to shake, he shakes hand with her. Then they stopped, but their hands are still holding each other. Until 3 seconds past they let go.

"Thank you for accompanying her Lee" said Claudio to Lee. Lee then walks away to the door and leaves.

"Congratulation for passing the test"

"Oh thanks"

"A high score for a woman is not bad" he smirks. He told Felicia the way to her room. It's on the second floor, on the right. Felicia then walk up the stairs, and goes into her room. She put her bag in the corner and goes to the huge balcony.

Wow there is even a balcony. Thought Felicia. As the sun still at the top of her head.

"Claudio...Hmmm....Not a bad name, Not a bad face, Not a bad attitude. How perfect" said Felicia. Her eyes widened for some reason.

Shit why did i say that?! $!"(#:$(#-$$;#
As Felicia's thought going insane.

Claudio secretly listening to her outside her room, behind her door room he is standing there for a short time.

"How interesting" said him.

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