Friendly Company

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Felicia sits on the edge of her balcony, staring as the moon showing. She jumps up to the roof above her room, climbing her way up to the cold night. She sighs at the wind. Thinking about the painful past.

She put out her assassin's blade that are attached on her wrist, hidden by her sleeve. Admiring the sharp blade. Her vision turns to the tree in front of her, revealing a dark shadow upon the branch of the tree. Felicia furrowed her eyebrows, she walks closer towards the branch, revealing a black, innocent cat. That seems couldn't get down.

Felicia smiles, she reaches the branch, and pulling the fellow down. She puts the cat on her lap. Letting it rest.

"How did you get up there little fella?" she pets the little cat. The cat purr's making Felicia chuckled a bit.

She look towards the shining moon, smiling as though she reminds her self of her father.

"The sky....blends to the moon.....As though you are far from me....always thinks of me....Through the night.....By the roof...." as she sang the song her father thought her, tears began to flood on her cheek. She smiles, while wiping the tears off.

"That was pretty lovely" a deep voice suddenly appeared behind her.

Felicia turns her head, and found her self a man who leans on the chimney. The man walk towards her, and sits beside her.

"Oh....hey Claudio" the cat that Felicia held jumps on Claudio's held. Claudio holds the innocent animal carefully, raises it towards the air, smiling towards it.

"You sure do love cats"

"We exorcists needed to refresh ourselves sometimes...a friendly feline wouldn't hurt a bit"

Felicia smiles, she really likes his act of loving and caring. She looks downwards, facing the roof that she sits on.

"The song, who made it?" Claudio ask.

"My father....he sang it to me everytime i go to bed....on the phone too when he left..." Felicia started to let out a small amount of tears, she smiled and wipes away the tears.

"I'm very sorry...I know you really love your father"

"You shouldn't be....You weren't the one who killed him"

Claudio is now the one who looks downwards this time, he feels to blame him self. Doesn't know how to tell Felicia.

"I never know your father Claudio" Felicia turns her head towards him.

Claudio looks at Felicia, her deep red eyes feels warm. Even when some people thinks that Felicia are a freak because of her eyes, Claudio thinks differently, he never dislike her eyes, therefore he feels warm just by looking at it.

"Well...he was a strong archer-"

"Archer?" Felicia cuts his word.

Claudio nodded, then continues,

"He's a very strong archer, he wanted me to be like him, but i refused. Changed my own path, and basically interested in exorcism"

Felicia looks at Claudio's eyes. She's now understand.

"An archer with a sirius father is very....weird..."

Felicia chuckles a bit, she's pretty entertained by his act. He clearly never jokes around, only teases people.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Your chosen words are hilarious" Felicia laughs.

Claudio smiles, he's glad he could make Felicia smile again. He looks up to the sky, while petting the soft cat's fur.

Fated by Destiny | Claudio SerafinoWhere stories live. Discover now