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Felicia gets off from her bed, sitting on the edge of the soft mattress, stretching every single one of her muscles. She yawns as the bird chirping noises could be heard across her window. She stood up, walking towards her bathroom door, opens it, and went in to take a cold shower.

After done, she went out from the bathroom, still on her wet towel looking robe. She scratches her hair with the towel she had on top of her head. Walking slowly towards her closet. She put on a simple long sleeve, with a white trousers, and a non-high heels shoes. She is never interested in a feminime outfit, never will. Or will she?

She opens her bedroom door, walking out from it a few steps. Her vision turned to a room, just across hers, a room where the owner of the mansion sleeps at. She walks towards it, looking straight towards the fancy door, until she arrived right in front of it. She knocks it three times, but no answer. She knocks it again, three times more. But no answer what so ever.

"Claudio? Good morning"

No answer, her curiousity drove her to open his door room, to find out why isn't he answering. She peeked through after the door opened just a few centimeters. No one is there, not even the owner of the mansion is there. But something caught Felicia's vision, she saw a piece of paper lies before her eyes on the huge bed.

She went in, turning her vision across the room, pretty amazed of how huge and fancy Claudio's room is. She stopped in front of the king sized bed, she picks up the small piece of paper, and read it towards her mind.

Dear Felicia,
If you read this, im on a mission by the order of The Mishima Zaibatsu. I will be home late, take care.

Felicia furrowed her eyebrows as her thoughts went inside her soul. She put down the paper, back on the bed. She look towards Claudio's room, admiring it. Then something is bugging her mind. Claudio left his sirius style long white coat, he does not wear it. Usually he always wears it everytime, anywhere, anytime.

The Mishima Zaibatsu?
Felicia thought.

On her mind, she knew that something does not add up right. Mission before the sun even rises? What kind of a mission is that? She went outside his room, closing the door back right after her figure is not in the room. Felicia walk towards her room, back inside. She gets her clothing off of her that she previously wore. She changed into her 'original' clothes.

The long white sleeve, with some black patterns across it's fabric. She put on a cape, and attached it towards her right hip. So the cape only covers her right leg. Down from her hip to her toe. Before that, she also put on a grey long trousers. And she never forgets her shoes.

She is ready, as she was always be. She went out from her room, going down the stairways, and runs towards the huge mansion door. Opens it wide, she closes it back after she went outside from the huge mansion. She look around, thinking of is her decision is the right thing. Well her mind is made up, she decided to follow him. Even though she clearly doesn't know where he is.

Felicia landed her helicopter safely, far from the town. As she knows she's not in Italy anymore. That's why she needs to be cautious about strangers, she must not be near anybody that could end her life back in the chain.

She saw the G Corporation building, not to far away from where her helicopter has landed. But something is fishy, on top of the huge building, she could see the person with the cursed bloodline, Kazuya Mishima, son of Heihachi Mishima. He is talking with a person, not very clear to see who it is, so she slanted her eyes. But still, even until the image is clear on Felicia's mind, she still couldn't figure out who is it.

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