Why Do Family's have to Be Embarrassing

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It was eleven PM when Jason pulled up his car at the driveway in front of my house. I had fallen asleep during the car journey home and Jason gently shook my arm to wake me.


“Get up Alex, we’re home.” He whispered. I opened my eyes to see Jason.

“That’s a good way to wake up.” I say as I stretch in the car seat and jump out the passenger seat.

“What do you mean?” I could tell by the broad smile he wore, he knew exactly what I meant.

“Seeing you.”

He grasps my hand and we walk to my house. I put the key in the door and turn it to find the door was already unlocked. I opened it to see Serena and mum sat on the stairs staring at the front door and grinning.

Mum jumped up like she had just got electrocuted.

“Your back!” She spread her arms wide and hugged me and Jason at once.

“Mum…Can’t. Breathe.” She withdraws and turns her eyes to Jason. “So, Jason, you’ll stay for dinner, yes?”

“I don’t think I have a choice.” He muttered.

“Good. So where did you two go?” Mum press,

“Spill everything.” Serena appeared next to mum, both wearing eager expressions.

“Are we really going to do this now?!” I moaned.

“I took Alex to the beach.” Jason said with a wary smile. He squeezed my hand and gave me a look that seemed to say it could be worse.

“AW! How romantic!” Serena was practically screaming. Mum laid a hand on her chest and sighed.

“I’m told you you’ll find a perfect guy, Alex. Didn’t I tell her?!”

“You did!” Serena chipped in with a smirk.

“Jason, darling, you should have seen the last boyfriend she brought home. You see she was eight and she was with this little boy who bought her a Pick and Mix and ate it all. He didn’t give Alex any of it. So rude!” I could hear Serena giggling.

“Wow, are we really going to do the whole ex-boyfriend thing now?!” I cringed, Serena and mum were smiling cruelly at me; even Jason was smiling.

“I’ll treat her better; you can could on me Ms Stevens.” Jason was siding with them. Mum and Serena must have been plotting on how to embarrass me.

“Right, I’ve made a roast dinner. Jason the kitchen is straight ahead. Oh! I just had a brilliant idea, we can show you Alex’s baby pictures. What a cute baby you were.” I groaned out load and everyone laughed in my face.

“Come on Jason.” I pulled on Jason’s hand and we walked into the kitchen.

“They’re holding hands! Ekkk!” Serena was squeaking now.

“Oh God!” I moaned though my giggles.


Dinner was excruciating but Jason seemed to take it quite well. Mum really likes Jason; she keeps telling me how ‘I’m lucky to find him. Guy like that is hard to find.’ Jason told them about himself which they seemed pleased with. Jason wasn’t even nervous, but my palms were sweating, every few minutes I had to remove my hand from his and wipe it on my jeans. He just smiled at me.

Serena and mum found every embarrassing story they could about me and told it to Jason, they showed him my baby photos and videos; they made sure he knew about ex-boyfriends and what they did wrong. But, generally, we had a good time.

Afterwards Jason excused himself and said her will come round tomorrow to help me pack. He gave me a quick kiss and was out the door, I closed the door when I could no longer see him and turned to my beaming family.

“Thanks. Really. You tried so hard not to make that embarrassing, didn’t you?”

Both of them grinned even more. “I don’t know what you mean Alex?” They both said at the same time before bursting into fits of laughter.

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