Protective Instinct

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For what felt like hours, Jason and my dad stared at each other. The silence was excruciating. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. A shiver went up my spine as I saw the hatred pass between the two men.

It seemed that none of them wanted to make the first move. I couldn’t bare it any longer, I hated felling like I was in the middle of something; it was as if I wasn’t standing there. I looked between the two of them as if there was a tennis match going on. Then my gaze rested on Jason’s face, his gorgeous face contorted in hatred and confusion. I held my nerve though, and stayed put.

My dad was giving the same expression back. I never considered him good looking (although probably every other woman in the world would disagree) but the grimace scrapped any sign of good looks from his face. I felt my face heat up and go bright red. I have always been annoyed at how easily my face goes red; I even go red when I’m not embarrassed which I always though was bazaar.

Both of the boys were holding their nerve. I was the first to talk, because it was become very awkward and I would be late for school if I spent another second stood there watching my dad and the boy I love have a staring competition.

“Well, I’ll be off then…Come on Jason we’ll be late. And…er…dad you can leave now.” I felt awkward standing their both pairs of eyes snapped to me, quizzing me for an answer to what was going on. I tried to pull Jason by the arm but he was staying put.

“What’s going on,” Jason whispered into my ear, worried for me. A bit of my heart leapt but then I realised what situation I was in. This was no time for that, I had to stop the blood bath that was about to happen, from happening.

To be honest, I didn’t even know what was going on at that point. I’ll tell you later I mouthed to Jason as I was pushing Jason out into the footpath.

My dad followed behind me. I could feel his gaze on me; I could hear his footsteps in the stone pavement. But looking round was not an option. I knew I was not the only one who heard my dad as Jason stopped, causing me to crash into his tone body. With the close proximity I could hear heart hammering against his chest.

“What the-” I looked up. Jason wasn’t looking at me; he hardly noticed that I bumped into him. I could see his biceps tense, his stomach tensed to revealing his well defined muscles under his thin, fitted black top. I had seen men do this before…before they were about to fight.

 “Jason don’t…just leave it,” I pleaded. I craned my neck to she Jason’s face. His eyes were fixated on my fathers, he kept his cool; his hands were in his pockets, his chin was raised slightly, his posture was perfect and his blue eyes were twinkling in the sun. His gaze lowered to my face.  His facial muscles relaxed slightly giving me his full attention. His eyes were questioning and soft but his expression remained impassive. His gaze was so intense I had to looked away, when I looked up again, he was looking at my dad again.

I tried to find a distraction, something to stop what was about to happen. I noticed an unknown car in the driveway. It was a Porsche; the silver metallic body glistening in the faint sunlight. The sun was just peaking out from the top of some clouds. There was not a smudge on the car, the car was freshly polished, the tires jet black with gleaming alloys. The windows were so reflective I could see the street in perfect detail.

“It’s new.” My dad spoke without looking at me. He was focusing all his attention on the stranger that appeared on my doorstep and that seemed so protective of me.

I open my mouth to give him an ear full; he cared more about some boy and a car than his own daughter. I can’t be related to him, we are nothing like each other. All we have in common is some facial features and that’s were the similarities end. I stuck my cheek up slightly in response. Arguing would only make thing worse and get Jason involved. I did not want that to happen.

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