Forget it

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BRRIIINNNNGGGGG! BRING – BRRIIINNNNGGGGG! I woke with a start. I rolled onto my side to stare at my alarm clock. 7:30 a.m. The data flashed before my eyes. My hand flopped down onto the snooze button, but the sound was not coming from clock.

BRRIIINNNNGGGGG! The ringing began to be more rapid and impatient; who ever was making it was not giving up. I dragged myself out of my bed slipped into my luxuriously soft, fluffy light pink slippers. I put my white and blue polka dot robe on and plodded my way down the stairs.

I yawned as I pulled open the door. As my eyes opened I looked into the immaculate face of Whitney Everlong. Her high watt grin burned into my eyes. Behind her was her usual team of friends.

“Morning!” she sang as she raised her arms in front of her and held up the shopping bags, from last night. I groaned and her eyebrows shot up. “What was that for? We had a great time and you are going to look stunning in that dress.”

“Yeah…right,” I muttered. “What is up with you?! Your acting so weird?!” She said staring at me with her eyes as wide as possible.

"I a bit tired," I lied. That was only half the truth, the thing is I was still a bit annoyed with her for not asking how I was after yesterday in the shopping mall. She didn't even stop her conversation when I ran into my dad. Not even a sympathetic smile.

"I'm going to get ready," I replied quickly and closed the door before she could say anything else.

I walked up the stair back to my room, my mum walked down in front of me. I could not met her eyes. The silence was killing me so I fastened my pace until I reached my bedroom door. Safe.

I got ready and flew down the stairs. As I reached the door and flung it open. As I looked out at the group I stood there contemplating what was in front of me. Whitney was stood in front with Seth's arms wrapped around her waist. Chelsea and Nick were locked in each others arms with their tongues down each others throats. While Madison was clinging onto Jason's arm as if her life depended on it.

Madison stopped pestering Jason for a second and turned to glare at me. "Great inprovement," Madison shouted so that it was clear enough for everyone to hear. I looked down, not understanding what she was talking about. She laughed at me and added, "from the pyjamas."

My cheeks burned as I realised that I had just stood outside in front of the most popular people in school and, above all, Jason in my La Senza pyjamas. Let's just say they are not the most covering of clothing. It consisted of a grey tank top and light blue checked short shorts.

"I though it look quite good," Jason said with a quircky smirk. This just made me got redder. Madison pushed him gently and nervously laughed. She didn't seem to like that comment.

We walked to school as always, it was as if nothing happened. That was until the fifth lesson of the day.

"So how what was it like seeing you father who left you. I bet that really stang. Whitney, how many years ago was it since Alex last saw him?" I stared in utter disbelief as Whitney responded, "about four years ago I think..."

"YOU TOLD HER! THAT IS NONE OF HER BUSINESS!" I yelled at Whitney. My teacher at that time, Miss Moss, turn from the whiteboard and looked straight at me. "Miss Stevens, do you have something to share with the class?"

"Um..." I was busted, the anger was still pumping through my veins.

"What is your problem?" Whitney whispered to me. "She's are friend, she deserves to know." I couldn't believe this. Madison may be her friend but she was definitely not my friend.

"Yeah, I'm your friend, Alexandra," Madison hissed to me.


"Detention Miss Stevens, after school for the rest of this week." Miss Moss yelled at me.

"She was only defending herself Miss," Jason called out. "Do you want to join her, Mr Collins?" Miss Moss continued.

"If it means that I can protest against a breach of a human right. You do know that freedom of speech is a human right Miss." Jason replied.

"For that Mr Collins, you will be joining Miss Stevens in detention." He smiled stare at me. After the lesson ended Jason came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "See you later Alex," he said with a wink and whispered to me, "You look nice in pyjamas by the way."

I blushed as Jason walked down the hall.

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