Girls Just Want To Have Fun

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I looked at myself in the mirror, fingering the silky material of the long red dress I was wearing. Did I look alright? The dress was flowing and strapless with gems sewn onto the heart-shaped top. My hair was in a messy up-do, my make-up was done and my nails painted. I was nervously glancing at the clock continuously. Jason, Chelsea and Nick will be here soon. When I arrived home, mum still wasn’t here. I was hoping she was safe. I felt sick with worry, I tried to push bad thought out of my head, but every time I did, more came that were worse then the previous one. As I put the last brush strokes on mascara onto my eyelashes I was thinking about the day I had just been through and playing out all the scenarios of what could happen later at prom.

School earlier was one of the weirdest experiences of my life. I was always surrounded by Jason, Chelsea and Nick. We all seemed to be best friends now. Chelsea went from being on my ‘most hated in the school’ list to my best friend in a day. She shared her beauty tips and fashion secrets with me. She told me how do my make-up and hair to make the most of my face shape. I also realised that Nick wasn’t all that bad after all, although he is lacking in the intelligence department. Jason was just there for me and talked to me. He seemed to have the ability to make me laugh no matter the circumstance.

We all made jokes when we saw Madison and Whitney stare at us weirdly on making faces at us or disgusted voice which seemed to annoy them further. It was a bit awkward when Chelsea and Nick felt the urge to make out and I and Jason just stood there trying to ignore them. We would start talking after a while because they would kiss for ages. They only broke apart when I though they would collapse from lack of breathing.

Suddenly my vision went blurry again and I could hear weird sounds in my head. This seemed to be happening more and more lately. I was wonder if I should go to see a doctor; I had no idea why this was happening. The sounds in my head sounded like people talking but it was too far away so I could only hear a light mumble. Just as suddenly as it came, it went. My vision was normal again and my head was free of noises.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. It was time. I brushed off the experience that just happened and looked for the last time in the full length mirror. Best I can do I though to myself. I carefully walked down the stairs in the four inch heels and opened the door to see Jason’s angelic face. He was in a black fitted suit, shiny black shoes, white shirt and a slim black tie. In summery, he looked like God in human form. Chelsea and Nick were in the car. Chelsea in a girly white mini dress with a thick black belt around her waist, her hair down and silver stilettos. Nick was in a tuxedo and a black bow tie.

“Wow…you look amazing.” Jason was looking at me with a shocked expression, his eyebrows lifted slightly and his fringe covering part of his wide eyes. I flushed at the complement but to pull myself together. “Thanks. You don’t look to bad yourself.”

“Um, this is for you.” Jason pulled out a smallish box from his trouser pocket. It was a black box with a cherry red ribbon tied around it. I took it hoping he couldn’t see my hands shaking. I pulled the ribbon that gracefully fell to the ground, as I opened the box I say a little sliver bracelet. It had gems and my name engraved on its surface. I could help suppress a gasp.

“It’s beautiful.” I was barely audible. Jason picked up the bracelet and slid it onto my wrist.

“Perfect fit.” He said.

“You shouldn’t have.” I was speechless at such a kind gesture. The bracelet also looked expensive; I doubt he got it for two pounds in Primark. “Just say thank you Alex, I bought it for you.”

“Thank you” I managed to say. He held his arm out toward me, inviting me to hold it. “Shall we.” We burst in to giggles and walk toward the car arm in arm. My heart was soaring, I felt like I was flying over the clouds.

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