Bad News

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I have done many things in England. I have been to almost every county. I have ridded a horse, seen the queen, traveled around London in a black cab, I have been on the London Eye. I have visited Big Ben, Natural History Museum, Tate Modern and Britain, etc.

I have been down the river in Oxford in a pedal boat, I have been on a red bus in London, I have been to Stonehenge, all the white horses, all the museums available. I though I had done everything worth doing.

But I have never been walked down a moonlit street at midnight in the arms of the most gorgeous boy I know. My head lifted and felt slightly with the breathing of Jason. His heart was pounding against his rib cage and into my ear.

Every time a gust of wind came towards us I felt every muscle in his body tense. I was surprised how well he knew his way around.

“How do you know where you going?” I whispered to him as we were nearing my neighborhood.

“My Grandma used to live in this street.” He whispered back to me. As another gust of wind stung are faces and my entire body shivered. Jason’s arms tightened around me and pulled me closer to his chest.

“Where does she live?” I prompted. I wanted to have a conversation. If this is a dream I may as well talk to him; get to know him.

“She did used to live at number 142.” He muttered to me looking down at me intensely.

“Where is she now?” I asked as I noticed him using past tense. I watched him look up at the night sky, staring at the stars. I saw his jaw tighten and as he looked down onto my face again, his jaw relax. I could almost see the cogs ticking inside his head, thinking of an answer.

“Depends on you belief. If you Christian you would say heaven…or hell, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t do anything regretful in her life.” I winced as I listened to the answer. How could I have been so stupid? Why didn’t I pick up the hints?

As he watched my expression change, a smile played on his lips. He finally broke into a grin. Even though he was smiling, I felt so embarrassed. There was a silence, although it wasn’t awkward.

As we entered the street Jason asked, “Do you think you can walk?” I felt mortified as I hadn’t realized his arms must be aching under my weight.

As if reading my mind he added, “It’s not that you’re too heavy, you weight almost nothing, holding you is like holding a feather. It’s just that I don’t want your family and neighbours to get the wrong idea.”

I wondered about what he was talking about; I could see were he was coming from. I tried to imagine my mums reaction if she saw me arrive home, passed midnight in the arms of a mysterious guy she has only seen once.

If Serena was home and opened the door she would just be jealous and would probably not be able to speak while Jason was there and give me an earful when he left.

“I’ll try” I said eventually. He gently lowered me to the ground so softly I didn’t know my feet had come in contact with the cool tarmac. His hand around my legs released so that all my weight was on my feet. The hand that was wrapped round my waist stayed where it was for support only holding me more loosely.

He prodded my back lightly, encouraging me to move forward. To my surprise, it didn’t hurt, not at all. I wobbled slightly to begin with, but afterward was walking normally.

I got to enthusiastic and tried to twist my back. I yelped as the pain shock my body and my legs buckled. Jason caught my arms before I landed into the ground, my body inches away from the floor.

“Let’s not get too ahead of are selves,” he said with a laugh. My cheeks flared as Jason pulled me up.

“I don’t understand. When you poked me in the back, I didn’t feel any pain.” I was getting agitated and confused.

“I - I could look at your back…I mean if you don’t mind…” He said nervously and even in the dim light, I could see his cheeks go bright red. As I realized what he was asking my cheeks went bright red. The only problem was, I did want him to see my back, to see if it looked OK. No-one else could, or at least not with an explanation.

“Could you?” I said.

We both sat down on the curb and I turned my back to him and swiped my hair from my back to one side on the front. I straighten my back so that he could see it all.

I felt the back of my top being lifted by Jason. The soft fabric rubbing soothingly against my skin, exhilaration and enjoyment burst through my body. The hem of my top reached my shoulders and rested there.

His warm hands gently stroked the back of my spin. I shivered as his hand tenderly circled my back. I closed my eyes as this exciting sensation went though me.

I heard Jason clear his throat and was brought back to moment. “Tell me when it hurt.” He started to lightly touch different parts of my back and adding pressure. All of a sudden I screamed as the pain shot through me. There was a massive area near the top of my back what was excruciatingly painful.

“You have a bruise up here” he said as circled the area on my back with his finger. He pushed down my top and got up. He walked round me as crouched down in front of me, his face directly in front of me.

“Your hurt pretty bad, are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” He asked in a worried tone.

“I’m sure,” I answered as I jumped to my feet, making sure I didn’t twist my back.

Jason got up slowly with a sigh. “Right, let’s get you home.”

As he said that I realised that I was about to go back to my mum. I couldn’t bare to see her. I started to regret everything that happened, everything that I said, everything I did. Butterflies churned in my stomach as I was getting to the last few meters.

As I got to the driveway my jaw dropped. The blue and red lights flashed before my eyes. There was a neon yellow police car in front of me parked in the drive. Jason grabbed my hand and bend down slightly so that his mouth was an inch away from my ear.

“It’s probably nothing” he reassured me but when I looked up to his face, I saw a flash of concern. He walked me to my front door, pushed it open and stepped in.

There sat on the bottom step of the stairs, was my mum. Head in her hands and sniveling uncontrollably. In front of her was a female police officer, with a sympathetic expression. Her hair was honey blonde, with storm grey eyes and in the full police kit.

“I’m sorry, what’s going on?” I asked; I was dredging the answer. For some reason, I though it was about me. I have been away for a few while. But then that though dissolved as I saw that both of their expressions didn’t change on the sight of me.

The police officer turned to me and walked up to me. “Are you Alexandra?” I though this was a weird question, but I answered bluntly, “yeah.”

She turned to Jason and I could tell she was impressed and added, “and you must be her boyfriend.” Jason’s face flushed as red as mine.

“No, we’re just friends” he gushed. The police officer raised an eyebrow and looked down at are hands. We were still holding each others.

“Uh” she said as me and Jason jerked are hands away from each other.

The police woman looked me squarely in that face and said, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this Alexandra-"

“Alex” I cut in.

“Alex.” She corrected herself. “I sorry to be the barer of such bad news but you sister Serena is in hospital on life support.”

My world crashed down. I didn’t want to believe it. “W-w-what?” I crocked as I was still trying to interpret what she was saying.

“Drug abuse. I so, so sorry.” She said as she bent her head to look at the floor. I could barely breath…how could this happen?

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