The Unexpected Happens

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Chelsea Bennett and Nick Murphy had been an item for longer than anyone can remember. They seemed perfect for each other, having so much in common. They bother were sporty, beautiful and in love with each other and themselves.

Chelsea Bennett had chocolate brown hair and startling green eyes. Her lean frame, curvy hourglass figure and long, slender legs made her one of the most envied girls in the school, along with Madison and Whitney. She was painfully girly, her high pitched voice could break glass and her laugh sounded like wind chimes. But her personality was one of the most feared by girls, her sweet looks contradicted with her mean nature.

This girl and Madison used to torment me as a young child, they used to pick on me for not being as beautiful as they were; they used to point out how ugly they thought I was and ask why I didn’t wear make-up or bother with my hair. They picked on me for not having friends, no-one dared to approach me for fear that they would turn on them. All through my preschool years I was left out, treated like I was not human. The most I got from other children was sympathetic looks.

Nick Murphy on the other hand was more laid back. A lot more laid back. He is now one of the schools sport heroes and teen heartthrob (just like Seth and Jason). Nick put on just as much make-up as his girlfriend. I had overheard Chelsea go through his routine of weekly spray tan session, daily moisturising and exfoliating regime and the extensive amount of hair styling products he goes through. Nick is the kind of guy who goes around with a compact mirror in his pocket and is always fiddling with his hair. How he is a rugby player I will never know.

But he goes to the gym everyday for about two hours and is constantly eating energy bars and drinking can after can of energy drinks. Wherever he is he will always start stretching and whenever the opportunity comes up, he will take of his top and relishes the grasps and female attention. Not that Chelsea minded because she was always by his side to gloat at the girls because he was hers.

But behind there self made worlds and pride, they were truly in love. They couldn’t live without each other; they finished each others sentences as if they where two halves of the same person. Where one is, the other is close by. When one is in pain, so is the other. When one is off school sick, the other seems more sad than usual. Last year, when Nick broke his collar bone in a rugby game, he was in hospital for three weeks. Those three weeks, Chelsea was not the same; she was miserable, her face was a little paler, her hair a bit wilder than usual like she had forgot to blow-dry it, her insults were not as good and were said with a lot less enthusiasm.

So, seeing them run up to me and Jason was unexpected. Their faces where flushed from the run. Even Nick’s orange face had a slight red tinge to it. Unlike me if I did that, they were not out of breathe. I glanced at Jason with confusion and he shrugged his shoulder as to signal he had no idea either. Chelsea was the first to reach us with Nick following a second later.

“Thank God! I thought you where never going to come. We were waited forever for you guys to arrive. Weren’t we Nick?”

Chelsea elbowed Nick in the stomach and he grunted in response. Nick was preoccupied with styling his hair and making sure none of his hairs were out of place. I said something stupid like “Uh” as a reaction to this new found affection from Chelsea towards me, she was talking like we had been friends all are lives.

“Omigod, you guys should have been here earlier, there is so much you have missed anyway come on, we need to talk some more. I have so much to tell you guys.”

Chelsea was talking so fast I could barely understand what she was saying. I was surprised how friendly she was being, this was the girl who used to make my life hell. Jason looked as cool as ever, he was used to this, they were friends after all.

“Where’s Madison?” I asked in a worried tone. Those two was inseparable. I was expecting Madison to pounce on me anytime cursing at me and smiling sweetly at Jason while batting her eyelids.

“OMG! Don’t get me started on her! She and Whitney have gone completely gaga and are like, not talking to me. They are too busy with whatever their doing and they won’t let me know. Anyway, I totally see your side of the argument, you are so right Alex. They are just being bitches. Isn’t that right Nick?”

Nick nodded in agreement why I was still shocked over what I was hearing. Then Nick finally stopped messing with his hair and talked to me.

“Chelsea’s right, Whitney and Madison are just being insensitive bitches. I mean that who thing with your dad and Madison trying to steal Jason from you. You know, we like a laugh, but that is taking it too far.”

“You both think that” I asked quickly to try and ignore the bit about Madison trying to steal Jason from me. Do they think we’re going out? Even with this quick response my cheeks went crimson. Jason didn’t seem fazed by this comment though.

“Of course we think that's silly!” Chelsea squealed.

“Hey Chelsea, did you say Madison and Whitney aren’t friends with you?” Jason quizzed with a worried expression. “Yeah, we’re like, so over. She was always the bitchy one…why?”

“Because their heading this way.” Everyone turned. I had to dive to the side to avoid Chelsea’s hair whipping me in the face. Just like Jason said, Madison and Whitney were walking towards use, their faces contorted with determination. Seth was trailing behind looked a bit awkward.

“This can’t be good,” moaned Nick in a hushed tone.

My thought’s exactly.

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