Confronting Your Frenimies

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“What do you want, Madison.” Chelsea’s voice was full of ferocity and hatred. This was more serious than I thought.

Madison and Whitney stopped right in front of me, Chelsea, Nick and Jason. We were almost nose to nose now.

“This is nothing to do with you, Chelsea.” Madison replies back at Chelsea with the same amount of revulsion. She snaps her face towards me and walks up to me. “You think Jason likes you, uh? Well get what, he doesn’t. Why would he? You’re the ugliest little cow I’ve ever seen. Look at you? You’re a sorry excuse for a woman! Like he would like you over me!”

“Madison lay off it this has gone too far” Chelsea shrieked. “What’s happened to you?”

Whitney cut in. “Madison’s right Chelsea, you’re just so deluded you can’t see in front of you. Jason and Madison are perfect for each other and that little slut is getting in the way!”

Now this comment really hit home. All these years I have spent being bossed around by her and this is how she rewards me, by insulting me. “I’m sorry Whitney, how the hell am I the slut. You’re the one who lost her virginity are 14.”

“Don’t talk to my best friend like that! She’s just stating a fact. You are a slut Alexandra Stevens. You took my man, remember?” Madison was getting angry now. I laughed accidentally because she looked like a pissed off Chihuahua. This was defiantly not the right thing to do.

“Oh you think this is funny do you?” She screamed back. “I have been seen walking with you for ages and now this is what happens. You try to take Jason away from me and you pretend we don’t know what your doing?”

I couldn’t hold it now, she was pissing me off so much. “Whoa! What I’m doing! What the fuck are you on about! You’re the bitch who thinks she’s amazing but guess want princess if you woke up you would see how much people hate you. You think you’re popular? Ha, you wish!” She seemed taken back by this.

“She’s right you know Madison, no-one likes you” Chelsea said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Now we’re not hanging round with you, we can actually hear the things being said about you.” Nick added to his girlfriends comment.

“Alex, you can die in a hole. You so ugly and fucking unloved no-one will know or care for that matter. You have no friends. You’re family don’t even love you. I hope you rot in hell!” Whitney shot back at me.

“Whit, that’s a bit harsh don’t you think?” Seth seemed to have woken up now and said to his pissed off girlfriend. Whitney let out a gasp and turned to Seth. “Are you siding with her?” she said as if my name itself was too much for her.

Seth looked like her was out of his depth. He looked scared. He’s got to have some guts to defend me in front of her. “Of course not babe. I was just saying–“

“Well don’t! I don’t want to hear you defend her, ever!” Whitney turned back to me but I could not help noticing Seth’s sigh of relief.

“You may think Jason loves you but he doesn’t. He’s always preferred me.” Madison hissed at me. She glanced at Seth. “Seth, your wrong Whitney was not harsh at all. Did you know Alex attacked me last night? I have bruises to prove it.”

This felt like a punch to the stomach, she was twisting the story so now I looked like the bad guy. “That is complete bullshit. You attacked me after you saw me watching you flirt with Jason. I have bruises on my back to prove you jumped on me!”

“She’s lying; I’ve seen the bruises on Madison.” Whitney reported.

“Well I believe Alex, sound like something you would do Madison.” said Chelsea in a calm tone.

“Me too” added Nick.

Madison almost pounced on me again but Jason came out of what appeared to be no ware and pushed her back in one fluid movement. I had completely forgotten he was there and heard to whole thing. He to the side of me protectively and began to speak in a calm tone, his face a mask.

“Madison, I have never loved you in any way. You always flirted with me and I’m sorry you had to find out thins way but you have pushed it too far. Remember I was there that night as well, I saw you attack Alex, and I had to carry her home. Whitney, I though better of you. And yes people don’t like you two but your so wrapped up in you own world that you don’t want to believe it. You can’t believe your liked when you act like a bitch to every one.”

Both Madison and Whitney looked like they had been slapped in the face.

“And Madison…I prefer Alex over you any day. I don’t want to be with someone like you. I will admit I have liked you in the past but I have realised what you’re really like. And this was before I started talking to Alex.”

“I don’t believe you Jason. She has you under her spell, I’m perfect for you.” Madison was pleading now.

“I’m friends with Alex not you…that’s why I’m taking her to prom. Not you.” I looked up at Jason and although he didn’t look at me he wrapped an arm around my waist. He gave me a gently squeeze to reassure me.

Madison was about to say something when the bell went off. Madison swiftly looked at her watch, Rolex of course. “Anyway, the bells about to go so we better get inside.”

“Come on Madison.” Whitney said in a moody voice. She grabbed Seth by the shirt and they walked off.

Me, Chelsea, Nick and Jason walked in the other direction. Jason still had his arm round me.

“Jason, do you really want to take me to prom” I said quickly and a bit flustered.

“I genuinely do…as friends I mean. Although I wasn’t planning to ask you in that way, but now I guessed you know. So, do you want to go, with me I mean?” He began to go red now.

“Of course I’ll go with you Jason.” He gave me a embarrassed smile which I returned.

“Awwwww! Isn’t that cute!” Chelsea squealed.

“By the way, if Whitney or Madison ever give you a hard time again, you can count on us to help you out.” Nick added.

“Totally!” Chelsea said in a very enthusiastic voice.

“Thanks you guys.” I couldn’t believe they were being so nice to me.

“What are friends for anyway?” Chelsea replied.

Nick, Chelsea, Jason and me walked into the school building together. Nick next to Chelsea; I was next to Jason and Chelsea had a slender arm entwined with mine.

Maybe things are starting to look up.

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