Miracles Do Happen

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Everyone stared in disbelief.

“It can’t be.” One of the nurses muttered under her breath, to get a nudge in the arm and a glare from the doctor next to her.

I was the first to speak. “Serena, can you hear me?” I held her hands, enclosing her cold manicured fingers, giving them some warmth. I softly rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. She lay there for a bit longer before her eyes fluttered open.

Relief flooded through me. I felt the happiness rise up inside me. I squeezed her hand and kissed her on the forehead.

“Of course I can hear you” she croaked back. Her voice sounding huskier than usual, but all the same, it was still her voice. It was like music to my ears, I though I would never hear her again. Tears of joy rolled down my face as I stared down to my little sister.

I looked at every individuals face that were looming over Serena all of them looked happy, except one. Mum was initially happy, but then something had held her back. I watched as her expression changed from relief into anger. She seemed to sense that she was beeing watched and her head snapped up. When she realized it was I that was looking at her, her face stayed in the same position.

“Can I have a moment alone with my daughters,” she asked politely to the medical staff.

“I guess…” Dr Owen replied wearily. “But bare in mind she is no where near a full recovery, she still needs to stay in hospital for at least a week and then we will refer her to get some help.”

For a second, I didn’t know what he had meant by ‘help’, was this some sort of councilor. As Dr Owen bent down to checked the wires I saw his clip board he had been scribbling on a moment ago. Under on of the headings he had written ‘rehab’ all in capitals. Then I remembered, she was here because of drugs. Through all the emotion, I had forgotten

After the doctor looked over everything and was satisfied, he left the room, with the rest of the staff scuttling after him. Jason stood there awkwardly, “Um, do you want me to leave as well.”

“Yes please…” My mum turned to face him.

“Jason.” He prompted helpfully.

“Jason.” She repeated and with that he left the room without another word.

We watched as everyone left the room. As soon as the door closed, my mum turned back to me and Serena, I was still by her bedside holding her hand. Her face changed to from anger to complete fury. 

“How dare you do something like that?! Do you think that pulling a stunt like that would help anything!” My mum shouted at the top of her voice.

“Mum-” Serena tried to speak, but mum has having none of it.

“DRUGS! My own daughter…was taking drugs! How could you be so stupid and reckless!” she continued.

“But-” Serena tried to apologize.

“Serena Anna Steven, DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT APOLOGIZING! You’ve gone to far now, I will never let you see those hooligan friends of yours ever again. I always knew they were trouble. I have nothing more to say to you.” My mum broke of.

She stared to walk towards the door, hiding the fact that her eyes had started watering again. As she walked it was clear to hear her muttering to myself. “How could I not have seen this coming? Am I not a good enough parent?” she continually said to herself. She flung open the door and slammed it behind her, leaving me and Serena alone.

“Making people happy everywhere you go” I said to Serena while rolling my head so I could face her. He replied with an annoyed glance. I couldn’t help but laugh to my self. But I stopped and suddenly as I started. My smile dropped and I started to glare at my sister.

“What?” she asked innocently. “Serena, why – how did this happen?” I gestured towards her by waving at her and the hospital equipment.

She went quite and hung her head slightly. Her eyes looked everywhere but my eyes. “It was just a bit of fun…” she eventually muttered.

“A bit of fun!” I yelled. I was astonished by the words going from Serena’s mouth. “How was that a bit of FUN! Are you kidding me?! How is taking drugs fun?!”

“You know…my friends do it…I just tried to fit in…” She continued to look at the floor intensely while whispering; I was barely able to hear her above the noise of the hospital ward. I was gob-smacked, this was my sister, Miss Popular of the lower school.

“There are more people, your age, taking drug. Do you know how bad that is?!” I screamed in disbelief, how do parents let this happen; have these children never listened in drug education lessons? My mouth held ajar. Serena tilted her face to look me in the eyes.

“You really aren’t cool, are you?” Her voice was slightly squeaky and she raised her voice slightly.

“What has that got to do with this!” I found the whole statement odd. What does popularity have to with it?

“Well you know, well maybe not, I had to make friends – I mean keep them…” I could barely understand her because of the speed she was talking at.

I realized that I would get nowhere if we continued like this. I took a deep breath and lower my voice. “OK…slow down. Start from the top about what happened because I can’t for the life of me understand.”

“I-i-i-i was around a friend house, well it was a party…her boyfriend had LSD. Everyone was taking it and he offered me one. I said no but when I did everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to me. All of them were looking at me and saying that I had to or they didn’t want to be friends with me…they started calling me a chicken and stuff…so I took it…” Her eyes began to well up and as she blinked a tear rolled down her check.

“Have you ever listened to those lessons at school? You knew it is bad to take drug…and you did it anyway! Are you crazy? You could have just walked out of that house and make new friends? Oh wait, I just remembered, we’re moving soon and you’re going to leave these so called friends behind anyway! So what the fuck were you thinking-” I broke off. I had gone to far again and now her tears were rolling constantly down her face and creating a wet patch on her hospital gown.

“I didn’t mean it” I said in a soothing voice.

“You right.” she said through her sobs. “I just didn’t want to believe it.”

We both looked towards the door as it creaked open. Jason stepped out from behind the door, “Alex we have to go now.” His voice was calming and relaxing.

“Where is mum?” I asked quietly back at him.

“She’s waiting outside. The staff are kicking us out.”

“What about Serena?” Just as I said this, Dr Owen strolled in and replied for him.

“She has to stay here to make a full and successful recovery and regrettably I have to ask you to leave the premises as it is the hospital closing time.” Dr Owen’s voice was steady but bored sounding with a hint of annoyance. The doctor gestured towards the door.

I got up, kissed Serena softly on the forehead and whispered into her ear. “No matter how angry everyone seems it’s just because we love you. Be strong and see you soon.”

Reluctantly I walked away from her. I found it hard to walk, like I forgot how to. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. This continuously said this to myself in my head.

As I grew nearer towards the door, Jason out stretched his hand, inviting me to hold it with a sympathetic smile on his gorgeous face. I was so shaken and tired I grabbed his hand without another though.

We walked out of the hospital together hand in hand and entered the taxi, where my mum had nodded off in the front passenger seat.

American Dream?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang