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Briella's POV

Michelle, and Maryse led me to the gorilla. For my first match. But also my first triple threat match.

I was scared. I was nervous. I was excited.

I didn't know what I was doing. But I knew everything would be okay.

I watched John go out. His theme music playing. Everyone singing along with his theme song.

He had a mic. When he walked out, so it made me wonder.

I turned to watch the screen. John had made his way to the ring. And was now pacing it.

He then stopped, pointed to the tron, and a video started playing.

It was a tag team match. Him, with I guy I never met, or even seen here, against Bryan, and Bray.

I covered my mouth in shock, when things got so far out of hand, that the man John was partnered with was bleeding heavily. Had ringside medics race to his side.

They got him in a stretcher. In a neck brace. It was gruesome.

"This, this is what happened to my best friend!" Making everyone cheer.

"This is what happened to my partner. One of the best men in this industry. This is what happens when men don't listen to the safety policy of the company. Yes accidents happen. But that wasn't a accident."

Everyone had gone silent. Listening to John.

"Today I got an update. And I'm gonna share that update with all of you!" John yelled.

Making everyone cheer slightly. I knew everyone was nervous.

"So as many of you know, this happened four months ago. Well today, I wanted to say, our Viper will be returning to action tonight! In the main event!"

Making everyone cheer loudly. I smiled. They must really love that man. I wish I got to meet him before his major injury.

"The Viper!" Michelle squealed beside me. "You'll love Randy, he's one of the most caring, but dangerous men in the company."

I looked at her. "He's that big huh?"

"Oh yeah," Maryse nodded. "Most third generation superstars are."

"Third gen?" I echoed.

"His grandfather, and father also worked here." Michelle nodded.

"That's amazing!" I squeaked.

Randy's POV

I headed to the gorilla. Deciding to watch the women's match with some of the girls.

I joined, Nikki, and Brie. "Hey gals."

"Hey!" Brie hugged me. "So good to see you!"

"I missed you devils." I said.

Nikki laughed. "Your lucky we love you."

We turned to the tv. An unfamiliar theme song began to play. And a even more unfamiliar girl walked on stage.

"Who's that?" I asked.

Brie shrugged. "No idea. But Michelle, and Maryse seem to know her."

"Now introducing, from St Charles, Missouri, Briella!"

I watched as the newbie did a flawless backflip on stage. Before running down the ramp. When she got to the ring. Maryse, Michelle, and Briella, got up together.

They did the splits perfectly. Leaving Nikki, and Brie in shock.

I rolled my eyes. "Briella huh?"

"Me, and Brie so have a new competition." Nikki gasped.

"Like name wise or show off wise?" I asked.

"Both!" Brie exclaimed.

"Why don't you girls go out and watch on commentary?" I suggested.

"No!" Brie gasped.

I laughed. "Then I will. You girls are free to join me!"

"Well if your going, sure! But only staying on the stage." Brie warned.

"Fine by me." I shook my head.

So we got the backstage guy to okay my theme song. Of course the crowd starting going insane.

"Wow, missed the St Louis energy." Nikki smiled.

"Agreed." I nodded.

The twins followed me out. And the announcer seemed shock. Point of a surprise.

"Welcome to, Nikki and Brie the Bella Twins! And the Viper, Randy Orton!"

The cheering almost completely drowning out the announcer.

The new girl was the first to start the match.

And before we knew it, the match ended just as fast as it started.

"Did she just-?" Brie looked at me.

"Never thought I'd see someone do an RKO backwards." Nikki said.

I laughed. "Sweetheart, that was the rack attack, RKO combination."

Before she could respond, I made my way to the ring.

I took the mic from Lillian. All six divas stared at me.

I got in the ring. I gazed over the two teams. Then at the crowd.

"I'm back!" I shouted, and the crowd went crazy. "It's so good to be back here. And making my return in my favourite place, St Louis Missouri!"

Everyone cheered, but got quieter. "However I'm out here for a reason. And I got to say, I was disappointed in the women's triple threat."

I turned to the 6 female superstar. "But I'm not at all surprised. I mean look at who Maryse and her team were facing! Mickie? You really should've started the match instead of Eva Marie. Then we would've had a awesome match!"

Mickie looked down. I then turned to Briella.

"However, you, you did flawless your first match." I said, making her smile, I saw Michelle nudge her, but I ignored it.

"Since Briella here is barely sweating, and was untouched, I say we see her go one on one with Natalya."

Everyone cheered. I smirked at Briella. She frowned. But I backened her over. Deciding to help this newbie out a bit.

She did so. "Here's a tip, aim for her legs. She can't do the sharp shooter when she's in pain. Her legs are the weak point for that move." I said quietly.

"Okay." She whispered, shyly.

"Remember the legs." I got out of the ring.

The other five girls joined me ring side.

Natalya came out, and the match started.

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