C. 2

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Briella's POV

Like he said, I went for her legs, mainly; I was nervous, this was real.

I was having a first good real match! Natalya knocked me to the ground.

Randy immediately came over. "When she goes to grab you, kick her in the stomach."

I did what he said. And everyone cheered.

Soon I got the upper hand, and won the match using my signature move.

My theme started to play. I squealed in excitement. I won my first real match!

Randy winked at me, before returning back stage. I regrouped with Michelle and Maryse.

We did a big group hug. Then headed up the ramp.

I was hoping Randy would be right there. But he wasn't. I wanted to thank him. But that must mean his match his next. Or coming up real soon.

"Listen," two identical girls approached me once I was alone. "Don't think he'll help you again!"

"I heard a lot about you two." I said. "But I guess everything said was wrong. Because your both bitches."

I quickly left. I walked toward my own locker room. Which I couldn't believe I had.

I noticed the door was open. So I pushed it open and saw Randy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He gestured at me to close the door. So I did.

"Look, Briella is it?" He asked, I nodded. "I didn't only help you because you were new. I wanted to also get Nikki, and Brie started. As far as they see it, I only help them."

"So," I began. "They think you are incapable of helping others?"

He scoffed. "I train the newer men, but it kills me I can't train newer women. And you showed a huge amount of potential out there. I'm taking that as an advantage to get you to a point you can beat anyone by yourself."

"Well I appreciate it." I smiled.

"Now the real reason I am in here, I wanted to ask you if you want to accompany me tonight in my match? Get you used to be out there."

"Sure. I'd love too." I nodded.

"I'll meet you at the gorilla in fifteen then." He responded.

He left. I couldn't wait to see him in action. Can't believe I never knew about this guy.

Randy's POV

Briella met me, just as my opponent went out.

"Remember to be careful. Especially if things are out of the ring." I said.

She nodded. I glanced over at her. She was wearing a tight red dress, with red heels.

I hope this match goes well. Especially if she's in heels. Last thing I needed was her getting hurt while we were out there. Especially on her first day.

After a few more moments, my theme went off. Followed by us walking out side by side.

"Now introducing, from St Louis, Missouri, accompanied by, Briella, the Viper! Randy Orton!"

The crowd cheered loudly. But I could only focus on who was in the ring. Wade Barrett. We've had quite a few rival matches. So I had no doubt this match could go good. Or bad.

"Good luck." Briella said.

I huffed, not breaking eye contact with Wade.

He grabbed a mic as I got in the ring. And Briella stood in my corner outside the ring.

"Well, welcome back Legend Killer." Wade smirked. "It's sad you have a women in your corner. And it's especially sad it's a newbie."

I glared at him. "Oh yes, the legend killer now needs someone in his corner because he's afraid."

Without thinking I did the RKO on him. Everyone was silent. I glared at Wade.

Grabbing the mic off the mat. "Having a women in my corner means absolutely nothing to me. It doesn't affect what I can do to you. Or anyone else!"

He glared at me. Slowly standing up. I tossed the mic. And waited for the ref to start the match.

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