C. 23

141 4 0

Briella's POV

I watched as the match started coming to a close. And even though I promised, Randy I'd wait here. I decided I was gonna go out to the ring instead. Especially since it was getting increasingly obvious that he was gonna be the winner.

After Kelly made sure I was for sure okay, I hopped down. And hurried to, Randy's locker room. I quickly changed into a short black dress. The ended just past my thighs. Putting on a RKO sweater. Leaving it unzipped. And put on some sparkly black heels.

Quickly I fixed my hair, and makeup. Then made my way back to the gorilla as fast as I could, now wearing heels.

A stage hand approached me. Motioning for me to follow him. And follow him I did. He led me down a few different hallways. And we met up with a security guard. The security guard then proceed to lead me through the crowd, until we reached the announce table.

From there I slid into the bell section. Waiting for the match to be over. Thankfully I haven't been noticed by anyone. Well of course except for the bell keeper, ring side doctor, and ring announcer.

As I predicted, Randy won the match. And his music beamed loudly through the arena. Cheers erupting from the crowd. Almost completely drowning out the announcer. I moved from my hiding place. Causing even more cheers to erupt excitedly.

I carefully climbed into the ring. Walking over to, Randy, who was watching me with a cautious gaze. I closed the gap between us. Gently pulling his head down. Laying my lips on his.

"You lied." Randy said quietly.

"I know." I whispered. "But this was worth it."

He chuckled. And he helped me out of the ring. Adam sent me a smile from where he laid, catching his breath. I nodded in his direction.


"How you feeling?" Randy asked after his shower.

I got comfortable on the couch in the locker room. "Hurts a little when I breath. But other than that, I feel fine. Definitely a lot better than I did when it happened." I answered him.

He sat down beside me. "That's good." He responded.

I gave him a long look. "So what's next for you?"

He leaned back. "Won't know until tomorrow." He said. "Have a meeting with, Hunter, and the creative team."

"The creative team? That sounds awful." I rolled my eyes.

He snorted. "You have no idea. But they respect both me, and Hunter." He shook his head. "So we'll get what we want, versus what they want."

"Well, helps being here for so long. As well as being a third gen." I said.

"That's partly true." He replied.

I sighed softly. He tilted his head in response to me. "What do they have planned for you?"

"Well after the success of mine, and Kelly's match; Steph is hoping to make us a tag team." I explained. "So she has a meeting with the creative team tomorrow to attempt a start in a new storyline."

"Well I'm sure she'll succeed in that." Randy said. "If you two would make an epic tag team."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I smiled.


If I had to choose a favourite tag team for both male, and female, I'd have to choose, Rated RKO (though DX is also a close number one). And for female... I'd probably have to go with, Laycool. There was something about them that just worked in a way.


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