C. 7

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Briella's POV

I approached the gorilla quickly. Running a bit behind for my match.

My match was an unexpected one. I didn't know I was having one until thirty minutes ago.

I was going up against the new girl. Whom I still haven't met yet. Nor know the name of.

All I knew she was heading out to the ring right now. And that I was suppose to win the match.

Maryse, and Eve were waiting for me. "There you are!" Eve exclaimed.

"Sorry for being a bit behind." I gasped, catching my breath from running.

Maryse shook her head. "It's fine. It just makes our entrance a touch more dramatic."

With that said, our team song began playing. Which I could hear the crowd going crazy.

Me, and the girls high fived, then we made our way out to the stage.

Michelle was sitting at the commentary table. She was the current Champion. And this match was apart of our story line.

"Now introducing from, St Charles Missouri, Briella!"

All the screaming and cheering filled my ears. However I tried drowning them out. And focused on the girl in the ring.

She looked oddly familiar to me. Like I've met her before.

However I shrugged it off, and got in the ring.

Randy's POV

I joined John, and Colby by the gorilla. Just like them, I was eager to see what this new girl had in her. Especially since she was related to, Nattie. And Nattie was a damn good fighter.

Brie, and Nikki also came over. "I hope this girl is good." Nikki said.

I rolled my eyes, while the guys scoffed. Brie stayed silent. Us all fixing our eyes on the tv.

Briella had the entire match in her hands. Maryse, and Eve keeping a distance. Only occasionally yelling. Or slamming their hands on the mat.

Michelle was keeping her eyes fixed on, Briella. Obviously for a number of things. But the main one being that they were currently rivals.

"Come on, come on!" Brie muttered beside me, as Briella went for the pin.

And as planned, Briella got the win. I had to admit, I was a bit disappointed in the match.

I was hoping the new girl would put up a fight. But she never really did.

"And here is your winner, Briella!" The announcer shouted.

I shook my head. Deciding to head back to my locker room. Meeting up with, Nick on the way.

"I can't be the only one who was disappointed in that match." He said.

"Oh I was too. I was definitely expecting more." I admitted.

"I mean, Rielle has been killing it! But that new girl never even really put up a fight you know?" He sighed.

"Maybe we'll have to talk to Hunter, and see if anyone is training her?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea. Or maybe we could ask her to join our session tonight?" He mused.

I point at him. "Yeah, I mean we're just working on Bri's moves anyways. Wouldn't hurt to add one more."

"I'll ask her, once I see her." Nick smiled.

"Sounds good! Text me what she says." We fist bumped.

He continued on his way, while I dipped into my locker room.

A/n: I did it! I finally got a full *decent* chapter out. And hopefully I can continue to roll them out more, and more. For now I'll probably do one more chapter for this month 😊

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