C. 21

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Briella's POV

After leaving, Lizzie with Stephanie, I made my way to make up. Kelly immediately greeted me. "I told Randy. He's not impressed." She scoffed.

"I'm not surprised." I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

She laughed softly. "Well, you do have him wrapped around your finger."

"Which is impressive." I added.

"Takes someone special." She agreed. "Come on, lets get out to the ring before he tries and stops you."

We locked arms, then skipped the gorilla. Laughter escaping from us, seeing the way everyone was looking at us. Amusement filled almost every gaze. Which brought us more laughter.

Stephanie greeted us at the gorilla. "Be safe girls."

Kelly smiled. "We'll be okay."

I nodded. "Besides, I'm not completely out of practice."

She smiled. "Good, have fun."

After she walked away, me, and Kelly started arguing. Trying to figure out who's music to use. Typically we'd go out individually. But Since Randy would no doubt try to stop me from wrestling, we knew we had to go out together.

"Let's use mine to go out. And yours when we win." Kelly then suggested.

"Oh! Good idea." I gasped. "Lets let the music man know."

"Music man?" Kelly laughed.

"I never bothered learning his name." I giggled, making her laugh even more.

We got him to play her music, and cheers erupted almost immediately. Making Kelly's smile widen. Which in turn made me smile.

I followed her out. When I was, cheers got louder. And I knew part of it was because both of us were in our ring gear.

"And their opponents. Briella, and Kelly Kelly!" The announcer shouted into the mic. 

Cheers filled the air. Making us both more hyped up. We locked our arms together. And skipped down to the ring.


"Come on!" Kelly shouted, as I tried to regain myself from the blow.

"Come on Bri!" I groaned to myself.

Layla charged at me, but Kelly quickly speared her. Before going back to our tag corner. Giving me more time to collect myself.

"Randy Orton! Randy Orton!" The fans started chanting.

I groaned, pulling myself up with the ropes. "Come on Bri!" Kelly shouted from our corner.

She started stomping her foot. Really getting the crowd going. I slowly made my way towards her. The pain I was in like no other.

"Randy Orton!" The crowd started chanting once more. "Randy Orton!"

I latched onto them. And the name they were chanting. It giving me just enough strength to reach, Kelly. Our hands collided as I launched myself at her. 

She was quick to climb the top rope, and jump on top of, Layla. Going for the pin as quickly as she could.

"One!" The referee shouted. "Two! Three!"

The bell rung. My theme music started playing. The crowd screaming and expressing their happiness. Kelly came over to me. Helping me up. I leaned against her.

"Here are your winners, Kelly Kelly, and Briella!" The announcer shouted.

"Come on, let's get you back stage." Kelly, and the referee helped me out of the ring.

Together they helped me up the ramp, and backstage. Stephanie, and Hunter both greeted us. Hunter not hesitating to lift me in his arms. Carrying me to the trainers room.


I watched, The Marine 6, for the first time. And I'm NOT IMPRESSED that they KILLED OFF THE MIZ. Like what the hell!?!?! How dare you kill off my man, Jake Carter (Miz's character)!


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