C. 9

223 7 0

Briella's POV

"Bri!" Stephanie ran over to me. "How would you feel about doing a love storyline with, Randy?"

"Wait... Does that mean I can stay?" I asked, shocked.

She nodded. "Randy convinced my dad to give you another shot."

I couldn't help but smile. Pleasantly surprised he was the one who pulled the strings.

Finding out he was the one behind this, didn't shock me though. He was well respected amongst everyone here.

"When does this storyline start?" I then asked, knowing I should definitely consider it.

But deep down I really wanted to say yes. And this time, I knew it was because of my feelings towards the tall man.

Stephanie smirked, clearly knowing where my head was at. "Tonight."

I laughed softly. "Of course it is."

"Tonight you two will just wing it. And I'll get the creative team to figure out the actual storyline afterwards. You two are the perfect combination. So I know you won't let me down." She said.

"Great! I'll go hunt him down. See if we can get something figured out before his match." I agreed.

She smiled. "I can't wait to see what the two of you can come up with." With that she walked off.

And I decided to check his locker room first. Usually that would be where he hides before a match. Especially when he wanted time to warm up.


I took a deep breath, standing in front of, Randy's locker room. My eyes reading over the word, Orton.

It still blew my mind he was such a large talent, that he got his own locker room. And even his own bus. But I definitely wasn't complaining.

It made having conversations like this one, much more easier. Because no one would easedrop. Not unless they were already in the room.

I took one last deep breath, then knocked on the door three times, loudly. Hoping I didn't ruin whatever mood he was in. I just know when I left him with the others, he wasn't too happy.

Something about the conversation they were having put him in a sour mood.

When the door opened, I was expecting a very unimpressed man. But instead got a man who was showing curiousity.

"I was wondering how long it'd take for you to appear here after, Steph." He smirked.

"I should've known that when I told you they wanted to release me, that you'd pull something." I couldn't help but smile.

"I know talent when I see it." He answered. "Come on in."

I gracefully entered his locker room. Going to sit on the couch, while he closed the door after me.

"So I'm guessing your here to talk about the storyline?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

I watched as he leaned back. Keeping his cold blue eyes on me.

"Yeah, Steph told me it was a love storyline. And that it'd start tonight." I answered.

He sighed. "Honestly, when she told me it'd start tonight, I wasn't too thrilled."

"Did she tell you we would be winging it tonight?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm not surprised though. Usually with last minute decisions like this, we wing it."

"So how do you want to play this?" I asked, shifting closer to him slightly.

He gave me a thoughtful look. "I think we give the audience and the team what they least expect."

"Say no more." I quickly agreed. "I'll come out after your match?"

"Sounds good to me." He smiled.


I still definitely ship Randy & Alexa! And you can't change my mind!

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