C. 25

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Briella's POV

I walked into the bedroom of the tour bus. My mind spinning in circles as I tried to figure things out in my head. I had to plan this whole wedding. But my mind was swirling with the thoughts of a baby. Which was causing major distractions.

"You good?" Randy came in. "You look like your gonna be sick."

I turned to look at him. "I'm good. Just have a lot happening in my head." I answered.

He gave me a long tired look. "What's on your mind?"

I sat down on the bed. Then proceeded to fall on my back. "The wedding..."

He raised an eyebrow. "That not just it. What else?" He asked, slowly walking over to join me.

I sighed softly. "There's still apart of me that's missing." I said. "The girls mentioned it was probably a baby. And now that's all I can think about. All my heart wants."

He sat down on the bed. Keeping his gaze on. "Well, you've always wanted a family. So maybe you think its time for that part of your life to start?"

I held onto the calmness of his words. "But my career isn't over yet."

He shook his head. "You don't need to retire." He pointed out. "You can still be a mom, and work."

I had thought about that. Quite a few times now. And I didn't know if I could travel, and raise a family. Miss most, if not all, my kids' firsts. I wanted to be there for them. Through everything. And if I still worked, I wouldn't get to be there all the time.

"I don't want to miss out on their lives." I mentioned.

"You don't have too." Randy said. "For the first few years they can travel with us. And by the time they're ready for school; you'll have something figured out."

I sat up. "Do you really think so?"

He nodded. "I do." He pulled me into his side. "You'll know what to do when the time comes."

I smiled softly. "I just hope whatever happens next is for the better."

"I'm sure it will be. Because it'll be you, and I." Randy kissed the top of my head.

All throughout the night, I thought about my future. What it could possibly hold. And I couldn't complain. The future just seemed perfect. In everyway imaginable.

Three kids, a decent sized house, and property. Even a dog running around with the kids. Two boys, one girl. Being a stayed at home mom. Watching them grow like weeds.

We had a gorgeous backyard, that the kids loved to play in. The boys messing about in the mud. The girl playing in the flowers. All three as happy as could be. Chasing each other around. Screaming with loud joy.

Waking up, and that not being real, broke my heart. I realized right then and there what I wanted. I wanted to watch my kids grow up, while their father worked. I wanted to enjoy every second with them. Even if they found it overwhelming.

I was ready to move onto the next step of my life. Children, and marriage. Leaving WWE behind me. It was time for me to finally accept my fate. And I was beyond ready!


A few things have happened as of recent! If you follow me on IG you know some of the things. Some things I have kept hidden. Selected people have been told. 1, my health condition. I've been keeping track of it, and for the first time in a long time, I'll be completing a 5 day work week! Working through my scheduled shifts! As well as 1 willing text in shift! I also started talking to a guy... So we'll see how this goes!


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