C. 10

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Briella's POV

I stood by the gorilla, watching Randy's match. He has been dominating the whole match against, Nick, also known as Dolph Ziggler.

I wasn't entirely sure what I was gonna do when I got out there. But I knew, Randy probably had a few ideas. At least I hoped he did.

I decided to wear a short black dress, which ended just above my knees. Six inch sparkly red heels. Make up to match. With my hair styled with waves.

I also chose to wear a short crop top like, RKO sweater. To really sell this storyline. And I had no doubt in my mind he would be just as surprised.

"Ready to go?" Tom asked, approaching.

He was our music guy. And the only one besides the bosses, who knew about this new storyline.

Randy had just won his match. Which was a cue for me to head out there myself. Which would begin our on screen relationship.

I gave, Tom a short nod. And with that my own music began playing. Cheers erupted all throughout the arena.

Michael Cole for the first time in a long time was stunned in silence.

I made my way out to the stage. Which earned me even more cheers. And Randy held zero emotions. Which in a way I was grateful for.

As I made my way down to the ring, I never broke eye contact with him. Something was comforting about the way he was looking at me.

I stopped ring side for a moment. Taking in the entire scene. Fans were now quiet. Curious on what was about to happen. But some were talking amongst themselves. Pointing out my sweater to each other.

I made my way up the steps. And into the ring. Randy stood a good ways off still. Watching my every move.

Neither one of us knew what was gonna happen. But we already knew we could rely on each other. And trust we at least know what we were doing.

I slowly closed the gap between us. Now the arena was extremely quiet. Fans were no doubt holding their breaths.

I slowly reached up. Laying my hands on either side of his face. Gently connecting my lips with his.

In turn his arms quickly snaked around me. Holding me firmly in place, as he kissed back.

Despited hearing the fans freaking out happily, excitedly... It was like it was just us two alone.

Slowly I pulled away. Letting my eyes meet his own. "How's that?" I asked.

He chuckled lightly. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Which made my heart flutter happily.

Our lips connected once more. But this time it wasn't a storyline kiss. This was a real kiss. One we've both wanted for a long time now.

And I really hoped that this would also begin an off screen relationship between us.


Azah! Ya'll don't how bad my medical episode was when I was writing this chapter. But I pulled through 💪 and finished writing it! Which I'm proud of. Usually I have to stop what I'm doing to try and regain myself.


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