C. 13

189 6 0

Briella's POV

The girls were having way too much fun doing my make up, and hair.

They were doing everything they could to make sure I stood out. And that every man would stare. Which I wasn't a fan of. Like at all.

The only person who could get away with even checking me out, was Randy.

I knew he saw me for me. I couldn't say the same about the others. Especially the ones who were only trying to get laid with me.

I had voiced this out with the girls. But they just said I was overreacting.

And part of me believed them. But if it made me uncomfortable, then I didn't think I was.

I just hope the people who do end up staring at me, don't think I'm doing this for attention.

I had one man, and one man only, I was trying to please. Not anyone else.

"Okay Riella, your ready to stun the fans." Eve said with a proud smile.

I could only force a smile on my face. "Let's hope they like it."

Maryse laughed. "I'm sure they'll love it! Your one fine looking girl."

"Thanks... Well wish me luck!" I waved at them.

"Don't get hurt! Those heels are expensive!" Nikki yelled out, making me, and the others laugh.

But I knew she was serious. These heels were her favourite. And it was nice of her to let me borrow them.


I stood ring side. Watching as Randy and, Wade locked up.

The way these two faught always made me anxious. They always really got right into it.

Usually resulting in one, or both of them getting hurt. Which was a thing I absolutely disliked.

I was really hoping this match would be different. And no one would get hurt.

Randy rolled out of the ring after, Wade speared him.

He took longer than I'd like, to recover. But once he recovered, he was back in full force.

I watched as the match started going back and forth. Anxiously awaiting every move. Wondering what they would do next.

I moved around the ring. Trying to avoid the fighting men. Not wanting to risk anything.

Soon Randy threw Wade out of the ring. Then got out himself. Going straight for him.

I watched as Randy threw him over the announce table. Wade letting out a loud groan of pain.

It was obvious he was hurting. And hurting badly. But Randy could care less. He continued to attack, and fight the man.

However, soon Wade was able to recollect himself, and went straight for, Randy. Knocking the wind out of him, as they both fell to the floor.

It was clear that move got the both of them. Especially Randy.

I moved to his side. Laying my hand on his chest as I got onto my knees.

"You okay?" I asked him, shooting a quick glance in, Wade's direction.

"I'm good!" He was quick to respond. "Just need to catch my breath."

"Okay, good." I answered.

About twenty minutes later, the match was over. Ending with Randy winning as planned.


Happy New Year everyone!

I hope 2023 treats all of you right! I already know for me it'll be full of ups and downs. Which is okay!

Cheers everyone!

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