C. 12

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Briella's POV

Maryse, and Eve were the two girls who greeted me when I walked into the locker room.

"Why didn't you tell us you were doing a love storyline with, Orton?!" Maryse exclaimed, shocked.

"Girl we would've had so much fun preparing you!" Eve gasped, slightly hurt.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Honestly it was a very last minute thing. Vince wanted to release me, so I asked Steph if she could find something. And this is what she came up with." I explained.

"Damn! Well next week, we get to glam you up!" Maryse smiled widely.

Eve shifted slightly. "When do you get your script?"

"Steph said tomorrow, hopefully." I responded. "Randy, and I are one hundred percent sure we'll be doing a lot of off script." I said. "You know how the creative team are with storylines like this."

"Don't we know it." Eve grumbled. "I still don't understand what goes through that team's heads."

Maryse looked between us. "We really do just need a new creative team. Or at the very least bring in a new team members."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Well hopefully they play this smart. If they don't, I'm one hundred percent making up my own."

They both laughed. But I knew they support my decision.

Our creative team was great with some stories. But others, not so much. I wasn't a fan of half the things they do. Especially now.

Randy's POV

"I never thought you'd be one to do something like this." Colby raised his eyebrow at me.

"Me neither." I agreed with him. "But hey, sometimes its good to try something new."

Jon scoffed. "And sometimes it's not! Especially with something like this. You know how quickly the creative team can fuck this up?"

"Bri, and I talked about it." I responded. "And we're fully expecting to go off script when needed."

"Well let's hope they make something decent out of this." Nick joined in, taking a drink from his water bottle.

"Let's hope! Last thing we need is a freaking, AJ Lee love story situation." Colby laughed.

"Oh, the second they try that, I'm burning the place down." I smiled weakly.

That was one of the reasons, AJ left. Her storylines never actually worked for her character. And she hated it.

Now I've done a bunch of storylines that I didn't like. But at least they somewhat worked with my character.

However who knew how this storyline could go? This was a new one, especially for me. This was something I've never even tempted to try.

But somehow, someway, I agreed to this. I for the life of me still don't understand why.

But I knew it was with the right girl. That's all I knew. What happens next will only be a mystery.


Instead if 3 chapters like yesterday, I'm just doing this one. I might squeeze in one more. But I'm having a not so fun day.


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