C. 11

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Briella's POV

"That was a good start!" Stephanie greeted us. "I for one definitely wasn't expecting this right away."

I only shrugged. "Well may as well go all the way."

Randy scoffed. "Why did we start tonight?" He asked.

Even I was curious about why tonight. We very easily could've started next week. Or even cut the promo for tomorrow.

Stephanie looked at him, then me. "Because the creative team wasn't exactly sure where they wanted to start." She answered. "That and it's always a good idea to introduce some storylines without any lead ups."

Randy sighed. "Well at least next time give us more than an hour."

I was in agreement with that. I didn't like not having time to prepare. The more time, the better.

Especially when it comes to storylines like this one. Thankfully we both were caught by surprised by winging it tonight.

But that only made me feel slightly better. Which at the end of the day, means nothing.

I looked at, Stephanie. "I'm glad we were able to pull it off tonight."

She gave me a quick smile. "Me too." She then began moving away. "Hopefully tomorrow I'll have the scripts for you two."

"Thanks, Steph." Randy answered.

We both watched as she walked away. "I hope the creative team do something good for the storyline." I said.

"Well, it'll go one way or another." He muttered. "So hopefully it'll be somewhat decent."

I rolled my eyes. "We don't have to stay too on script. We can alter it if needed."

He pointed at me. "That's for sure gonna happen."

I smiled, shaking my head amused, as he walked away.

I made my way slowly to the female locker room. Hoping some of the girls can help me figure out some designs for my new ring gear.

Every time we had a certain storyline, the company wanted to change our gear. To cater to our current projects.

Now at this point I knew, Randy, all too well, to know he wouldn't change his gear. But I could.

That, and I love changing my outfits constantly anyways. Staying with the same set of designs always got boring.

At least for me. Everyone else, I wasn't too sure. But the new merch that would come out of this story, would ve popular I'm sure.

The fans were always so supportive, no matter what you were doing. They for sure loved getting their hands on new stuff to support their favourites... Or in some cases, their least favourites.

I was definitely excited to work with the company some more. And I will continue to hope that this is what I need for them to keep me.

I didn't want to leave. Not anytime soon anyways. This company was everything to me.

My family. My passion. My love.

Everyone within this place, fans or crew, meant everything to me.

And I for one, didn't want to give that up. Not without a fight.


10/10 recommend finding a place of work that let's you be who you are. Almost 2 years with my people, and I wouldn't change it for the world!


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