Waterbending Scroll Part 2

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"Why were they chasing us?" Aang asked. We met up back at the forest where the bison were sleeping. "I always kinda looked up to pirates, but they were..."
"Terrible?" I finished and he nodded. I looked over to katara who was pulling out the Scroll from her sleeve. "That's why I took this!" Katara said and showed it to everyone. "No way!" Aang exclaimed trying to get a closer look. "you stole it? No wonder why they tried to kill us!" Sokka cried. "Where do you think they got it from?" Katara asked. "They stole it!"

"I'm with Sokka on this one." I said. "You put us all in danger. It was twelve fully grown pirates against two air benders, one water bender that can't create a wave, and Sokka." maybe that comment on Katara's bending wasn't needed, but it was true. "These are real water bending moves." She said, giving me a dirty look. "Aang needs to learn water bending, this is the only way before we get to the North Pole."

Sokka turned around with his hands in the air. "Whatever." He said and I followed him. Once we were a good distance from the water benders, Sokka turned sharply and pointed at me accusingly. "What do you mean 'and Sokka'" he asked with his eyebrow raised. I shrugged and stepped back from his finger. "I didn't mean to offend you, I just meant that you can't bend."

"And you think that I can't fight?" I smiled and scratched the back of my neck. "No, of course not. You're a very skilled fighter, but I just think that being able to bend... Helps." I could see a bulge appear in his forehead. "I don't need to bend to fight." He said and I nodded. "I didn't say that, I said it helps."

"Hit me." I stared at him and started to laugh. "what?" I asked and he nodded while he took a fighting position. "Give me everything you got, and I'll show you that someone two years younger then me can't-" I pushed a hefty amount of wind in his direction and caused him to fly into the stream next to us. He came back up, coughing and dragging himself back up to land. "Anaya!" He chocked. I helped him sit up and sat next to him as he coughed. "You said hit me!" I cried.

After he finished choking, we stood back up and he tried to punch my arm. I instinctly caught his hand and twisted it behind his back. "Ow! Anaya!" I let go and gave a cheesy Smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do it that hard." he rubbed his shoulder and shook it off until he got into his fighting stance again. "Sokka, I don't want to hurt you." I said but he smirked. "I'm not the one that will get hurt."

He was very wrong. There would be some times where Sokka would get a hit, probably from all the training with suki, but I recognised his strikes and mostly flew him into the river. It was extremely funny, especially when I had my hands behind my back, or my eyes closed. Sokka told me to use my bending, so when my eyes were shut, I could feel when he was going to throw a punch through the air. I loved it.

There was one point where I threw him all the way where Aang and katara were practicing. I sprinted after him as he flew through the air and crashed into the water.

"Why can't I get this stupid move!" Katara cried, throwing her hand which caused the water to splash back into the river. "You'll get it." Aang said supportivly. "You just have to shift your weight." Aang lifted his arms smoothly and a snake of water followed. He whipped his arms and the water did the same. "Water bending is about-"

"Would you shut your air hole?" Katara yelled with her fists shaking. "You know Aang, your ancient wisdom is getting pretty old!"

"don't start, Anaya! You havnt been the tad bit useful since you joined us! In fact, zuko and that new girl started to gain on us when you joined. Are all air benders this annoying!"

I gasped and so did she. "Anaya..." she said but I shook my head. "Come on Aang." I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. He was on the verge of crying so I steered him away and walked into the forest.

"You OK?" I asked as we walked deeper through the trees. He nodded and smiled. We stopped when we reached a circle of space. It looked like camping area. "There's something I want to talk to you about." I started. We sat down and I listened to the forest. "I didn't want to disrupt your whole 'saving the world' thing, but roku told me that the spirit world was in danger. My past life was acting pretty strange." Aang turned to me with his head tilted. "Strange?" he asked and I nodded. "I don't want to worry you, but I feel like something big is happening."

"Have you tried to meditate?" he asked. "I havnt been able to get into the spirit world." Aang shrugged. "I don't know." I sighed. I thought that he would say something like that.

"Hey! You want to have an adventure before we go back?" I asked jumping up. He nodded eagerly and we both jumped into the trees. It was extremely fun. With all the worry of trying to get aang to North Pole, I havnt realised how much I missed jumping around.

After the last race, which I won, we headed back. As soon as she saw us, Katara ran over. "Guys, I'm so sorry about what I said, I was frustrated and you're just a natural, Aang, so I was jealous." she sighed and pulled out the Scroll."Here. You'll probably find more use for it." Aang took it and smiled. "Thanks katara."

It was starting to get late, but because we were chased out of the market, we didn't have anything to eat. I leaned against pepper And watched in envy as she chewed on the grass and the leaves of trees, until my eyes grew too heavy to keep open.

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