Haru Part 3

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"what do you mean, you can't go?" Sokka whisper screamed at katara, careful not to wake the prisoner next to him. "it means exactly that!" she whispered back. "these people are helpless, Sokka. We have to rescue them all." I could see Sokka getting a little frustrated so I decided to be the peace maker. "look guys. Its only a slight detour, another twelve hours. If we come up with a plan to take over the ship, we won't have to carry the prisoners all to safety." Aang nodded while Sokka still looked unsure. "how are we going to do that? I still think we should take Haru and his dad and leave for the North Pole." Sokka said. "then the prisoners will probably get the blame!" katara exclaimed. She took a deep breath and looked at Sokka. "We have to help these people. Their spirits are broken." I glanced down at Aang and saw him in deep thought , looking around the ship. "Aang?" I tried to asked but he jumped away.

I followed after him, hopping in between prisoners and avoiding noises. He jumped over a big gate and stopped at the deep bowl we were in before and was looking into a vent. "where does this lead?" he asked without whispering since no one was there. I shrugged my shoulders. "probably to the engine room, where they need to let out smoke." After a second of thinking, Aang clicked his fingers.

"an engine!" he cried with a smile. "yes, Aang." I said as if I was speaking to a five year old. "it's what makes the boat move." he rolled his eyes and pushed me playfully. "I know that! But how does an engine work?" his face grew with excitement. "Aang, how else does it work? It burns coal and uses heat to-" I stopped midsentence. It was ingenious. "coal." Aang smiled.

We raced back to where Sokka and Katara were. "it looked like a bison sir." someone said and we had to stop and hide behind a few boxes. "search the ship. I want the whole rig accounted for."
"yes sir." Aang looked at me with slight panic as the sounds of foot steps grew quieter.

We quickly reached Sokka and Katara, who were arguing. "we've stayed here long enough!"
"guys!" Aang whispered. "Sokka, we have to go, someone saw appa or pepper." Sokkas face grew worried. "we have a plan but you guys need to hide." I said and the pair ran back to where they came from.

"a plan?" katara asked when they left. I nodded and opened my mouth to tell her when a loud bell rang through everyones ears. Prisoners started to groan and get up from their mats. "Roll call!" a gruff voice said from the front and spotted me next to katara.

"what do you think you're doing?" he asked me and grabbed my brown shirt. He dragged me up to his face and stared at me menacingly. "get back in line!" he yelled and practically threw me down the row of mats. I quickly got back up to my feet and ran back to my mat.

Four guards walked up and down the rows and stared through everyone. What felt like an eternity of anxiety, they told us to leave after they didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

We all filed into the big metal bowl and everyone started to split off into their own groups. I hung back and waited for katara, haru and his dad.

"OK." I said quietly. We all grouped together into a small space, away from listening ears. "everyone look up there."  I pointed to one of the towers blowing smoke out of the top. "the engine is burning coal, a bendable element!" I turned back too see their faces. Haru looked excited but not as much as katara. She smiled from ear to ear and gave Haru a big hug. Tyro on the other hand, looked deflated and sighed.

"I have told you already. We're all going to wait the war out." I shook my head. "it's too late. The plan is already in motion. Our friend, Aang, has closed off all the vents except all of them leading to that one." I pointed to the vent on the floor. "in a couple of minutes, my other friend, Sokka, will distract the guards and-" all of a sudden, there was a huge crowd and a lot of chanting.

We all rushed to the commotion and saw Sokka and three guards holding him down. "let me go!" he yelled and threw one of them off off of his back and onto the vent. Suddenly, it burst open and black lumps of coal shot out into a big pile. "aaaaggghhh!" the guard yelled as he fell into the water.

I looked at katara and bowed to her as if I pulled of the best magic trick. She understood what I was going for, and ran up to the rocks and stood on top of them like a stage. "earth benders!" she yelled to the group. "this is your chance to fight back!" at first, no one moved and I feared that no one would listen, much like the first time. The warden laughed at katara's failure. "foolish girl. Did you really think a few words would help this lot? Their spirits were broken a long time ago." he walked off smiling, until a lump of coal soared through the sky and hit the back of his head. Everyone turned to see Haru and a bunch of earth benders levitating the coal over their hands.

I glanced at katara and saw her heart jump from her chest with passion and energy. The angry warden shot fire and tried to engulf Haru, but was blocked by a wall of coal made by Tyro. The warden turned and shouted to a big group of guards. "SHOW NO MERCY!"

"FOR THE EARTH KINGDOM!" Tyro shouted back.

Everyone charged for eachother, and a huge fight broke out between the prisoners and the fire benders. I joined the fight, casually flipping underestimating guards over board. At some point, Aang managed to join in and was sending strong blasts of air at people. I fought my way towards him and finally regrouped with the others. Tyro was there with Haru and we were all fighting in a circle.

"Get off the ship!" Tyro yelled through the noise. We all ran towards the exit of the barge, but it was blocked with a big wall of fire by the warden. I nodded to Aang and we created a tornado each. "guys!" Aang called to Haru and Tyro. "Throw some coal over here!" they nodded and soon enough, the tornados sprayed out coal and knocked all the guards of the ship, including the warden.

There was a huge cheer when the fight was won and there was no fire in sight. After a few high fives, especially for katara, we all grouped near the exit and said our goodbyes.

"thanks katara." Haru said as he pulled her to the side a little. "it was only a little coal." she said softly and Haru chuckled. "it wasn't the coal. It was you." I saw katara beam and blush at the same time. "I guess you're going home now?" I asked Tyro when the pair came back. He nodded happily. "we all can't wait to see our families again."

"come with us." I heard Haru tell katara. A feeling grew in my stomach. What if she said yes. I stayed quiet and listened. "I would, but I need to go to the North Pole. With Aang." Haru's smile faltered a little but he was expecting it. "that's him, isn't it. The Avatar." katara noded. "wow."

It was finally time to leave and I super jumped up onto pepper. I hugged her head tightly and she roared with love. "wait!" I heard Haru say loudly. "I thought the boy is Aang." he said, dumb founded. Katara nodded slowly. "but... She's an airbender too." he pointed to me and katara noded again. "it's... A long story." she said before climbing on to appa with the others. We waved down to the ship and called "good bye." as we took off.

We were in the air for twenty minutes when I jumped over to appa and sat in the saddle. I turned to katara. "we'll see him again." I said reassuringly as she stared back in the direction we came from. Her hand raised up to her neck and she gasped. "my mother's necklace! It's gone!"

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