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Halfway through the film, Grayson was literally squeezing me in his arms because he was scared. His chest was connected to my back, his chin was resting on my head, his both arms were wrapped around my body, and his right leg was on top of mine. I've been smiling the entire movie, even though it was horror. I'm not scared of this kind of films.

Every time something scary would jump on the screen, he would squeeze me until I'd be almost out of breath. I liked it, but it felt like he was the girl, not me.

When the movie was finally over, Grayson was terrified. He wouldn't let me move, because he was keeping me trapped in his grip.

I look at the clock and realize it's already almost 7 pm.

“I should go. It's getting late and I gotta do my homework.” I stood up and realized I was still wearing Grayson's hoodie.

"Stay here tonight. With me. Please!" he made the puppy eyes and the trembling lip.

"You scared or what?"

"Pff... no. I'm a man." he crossed his arms around his chest, lifting his chin up, straightened his back, making him look more confident. But he wasn't. I could feel him. He was scared of the thought of sleeping here, in the dark, all my himself.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I got work to do."

“Oh, okay. See you tomorrow!” he places a soft kiss on my lips and I smile.

“I'll bring your hoodie back tomorrow.” I bit my lips, grabbing my bag. I see him staring at my lips, then licking slowly his two soft lips.

“No, keep it. It looks better on you than it looks on me.”

“Okay then. Thanks.” I kiss him again, then exit the room.

I put on my shoes and jacket on fast, then exit the house and head to my car. I hop in and start driving to my house. When I get home, I run directly into my room, opening the TV and taking out my books to do my homework.

My phone starts buzzing twice and I grab it, unlocking it. I open the iMessage and see two texts from Grayson.

Gray 🖕🏻🐓 
Today 7:04 pm

hey pumpkin ;)
what r u doing on thanksgiving day?

sadly dinner w/ my mom and lucas' shit ass family :(((


why don't u spend it with me
at my house
it'll be fun

idek i gotta ask my mum
but probably yes

thank u soo much

i didn't want to see his fam again

no problem pumpkin ;)

r u still scared?

pfff no
i ain't scared
but i might sleep with eth tonight
no big deal

such a baby

my baby ;)

fuck u
i hate u

no u don't

yes i do

g'night lil baby :*



Today is the football game. Also, my biggest fear. The annual physical exam. I either find an excuse, or take it. So, this is what we gotta do: run 70 feet, jump over a 3 feet thing, run another 10 feet, do 10 push-ups, 20 squats, run again 10 feet, then climb a 10 feet rope (the girls can climb only 7 feet). Not difficult at all. It's like the teacher hates us. Oh, I forgot to mention that we have to do it in 5 minutes at most - which is totally absurd, considering my physical condition - or we fail. Fun, right?

meant to be // grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now