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I get home around three pm. I take my bag up to my room, then head to the kitchen to eat something. Michelle and Andrew aren't home yet.

As I was waiting for my food to get ready, someone knocked at the door. I walk slowly to it and open it. There was Jason, extremely pissed off.

"Jay, what's wrong?" I asked him and he took out his phone.

"Don't act like you don't know."

He walks past me inside, hitting me in the shoulder. I close the door behind him and follow him to the living room.

"Well, I really don't know what I've done."

"So this is not you?" he shows me a picture of Grayson and me from a weird angle. It looked like we were kissing. It's from Friday.

"What? When did you take it?"

"I didn't, a kid from the school saw you two."

"Jay, I swear it's not what it looks like." he starts walking slowly in my direction. I take a few steps backward until I hit the wall.

"Cut the bullshit, Kayla. Just tell me. Tell me you love him. Tell me you're dating him. Tell me you cheated on me!" he yelled at me and I gulped. His eyes were glowing in anger. A vein was about to explode on his forehead, and one on his neck.

"I'm not dating Grayson. And I'm not cheating on you. Just let me explain." a tear fell down my cheek.

"Explain what? How all this time you were with Grayson, and also with me?"

"Gosh, we're just friends!" I yelled at him.

"But just friends don't look at each other like that," he said angrily, glaring at me.

"You know I-"

I am stopped by his hand. He wraps it around my neck and pushes me in the wall. I couldn't breathe. I tried to push him away, but he added the second hand. I could feel that the oxygen couldn't get to my brain, as I felt I was passing out.

"J-Jay... s-stop." I tried to say, but he only tightened the grip. I literally couldn't breathe. I felt like my lungs were about to explode.

Suddenly, he is pushed away from me. I fall to the floor and start coughing badly. I put my hand on my chest and try to breathe normally again.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jason asked angrily and I looked up. It was Andrew who pushed him. My evil step-brother. He helped me.

"Leave her alone, Jason! You were going to kill her!" Michelle yelled and my eyes went wide opened. She stood up for me. Wow, that's new.

"I thought you hated her!" Jason said and I gulped again.

"Well, we still do. But you can't kill her." I still hate them too, so it's okay.

"This is not over."

My ex-boyfriend said, then ran out the door. I sigh in relief, as I breathe again normally.

"Thank you," I managed to say before they walked upstairs.

"We couldn't let him kill you. Your mom would've killed us," Andrew said and I rolled my eyes.

I get up and walk up to my room. I crash on the bed and start crying.

Jason and I are over. After almost one year of dating, we're over. I knew I shouldn't have taken those pictures. Someone saw us and took pictures. Really bad pictures.

Also, Jason tried to kill me. His anger issues are getting worse, day by day. I thought I was gonna die.

Half of hour later, when I was done crying, but still laying on the bed in the fetal position, my phone rang. I saw Grayson's number and I sighed. I don't know if I can talk to him.

meant to be // grayson dolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon