Amanda stood up. "You horrible woman," she said through gritted teeth, "you don't care, do you, anything for a story, and anyone will do, won't they?"

Hermione stood up as well. "Even Ludo Bagman."

"Sit down, you silly little girl, and don't talk about things you don't understand." She said to Hermione. "I know things about Ludo Bagman that would make your hair curl...Not that it needs it-"

While Viktor and Leo moved to sit in front of her protectively, Amanda leaned forward and muttered into Skeeter's ear, "And I know things about you that could get you into serious trouble. Wouldn't want to let the bug out of the bag, now would we?"

Skeeter's eyes widened as Amanda then turned to the group. "C'mon guys."

They left, many people staring after them, all wondering what Amanda Potter had said to Rita Skeeter.

As they walked down the street, Ron said quietly, "She'll be after you next, Hermione."

"Let her try!" Hermione said shrilly. "I'll show her! Silly little girl, am I? Oh, I'll get her back for this, first Amanda, then Hagrid..."

"You don't want to go upsetting Rita Skeeter." Fred said. "I'm serious, she'll dig something up on anyone-"

"And I don't know what you said to Skeeter, Amanda, but you could get into more trouble then you did with the last report."

"I don't care." Amanda said angrily. "Like Hermione said, let her try! I have serious blackmail information on her, so if she tries anything, I'll get her-"

"What blackmail information? Where did you find that?" Ginny asked.

"Never mind." Amanda muttered. She looked up and saw Ember flying towards her, a letter in her beak. She put out an arm for her to land on, and took the letter off her, shaking slightly as Ember bowed her head. She chirped. "Bad news, I'm afraid, Amanda. I'm sorry."

Amanda stroked her head and opened the letter as she said, "Thank you, Ember."

Dear Amanda,
I'm sorry to send you a letter bearing such horrible news.
While under the Imperius Curse, it seems Melody was drinking a poison that slowly took over her body. This caused her to become very ill, and she has been getting worse.
Melody died last night. She told me to tell you that she was sorry for what ever happened while we were under the Curse, and she hopes that you live a long and happy life.
I will be asking if you can have time off from your schoolwork to attend her funeral.
I'm so sorry that this had to be sent in a letter, and I wish you luck for the Second Task.
I will see you soon.

Amanda immediately lost whatever happiness she had in that moment.

She slowly sunk to the ground as her friends surrounded her, asking her what was wrong.

"Melody..." She said shakily.

"What about Melody?" Harry asked gently.

"Melody's dead." Amanda said. "Looks like she was poisoned."

"I'm so sorry, Amanda." Ginny hugged her. "Let's get you up to the castle."

Amanda nodded numbly as they led her away. Ember stayed on her shoulder, and Hermione said, "We'll be there soon, we're just going to visit Hagrid."

Amanda nodded again as Hermione, Ron and Harry left to Hagrid's. When they eventually passed the Durmstrang ship, Viktor and Leo left, giving her a hug before they left. Leo whispered into her ear, "I'll see you later."

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