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Camila's POV


"shut the fuck up" I hear Lauren groan from besides me, and I open my eyes. I move my hand around in the bed to find my phone that's still ringing. As I finally find the object, which was on my bedside table, I see Dinah's calling, so I click on the red button, making the ringing sound quit.

"Oh. My. God. Thanks" Lauren says, as she rolls on her back. I giggle and place my phone down again, before rolling around to cuddle her.
"We have the day off right?" I ask softly and I feel her nod against my chest.
"You wanna like, lay here or make breakfast?" I ask and she doesn't even budge.

I move up so I'm sitting with my back leaning on the headboard of my bed, and her body is in my lap, and her face is on my chest. I start playing with her hair as she just lays there, cuddling into me.

"I take that as a 'Just lay here'" I giggle and I feel her nod. I like this moment, just me and my girl.
"You wanna do this all day?" I ask, and she nods again. "Okay then, I'm all up to it" I smile.
"Lemme go and make some breakfast then, baby. I promise I'll be right back at you" I say, and I feel her grip loosening. I slip out from underneath her and make my way out of the bedroom to the kitchen.

I look at the clock thats hanging on the white wall in the kitchen, seeing its 9:38, great time for breakfast.
I grab some bread to make toast, and cut up some strawberries. I put some orange juice in two glasses and the toast and strawberries on a plate and in a bowl. I place the food on a tray and take it to the bedroom, where my girl's peacefully sleeping again.

I place the tray on the bedside table, so I wont kick it off the bed and lean down over my baby to wake her up. I kiss her cheek a few times until she opens her eyes slowly.
"Good morning again, baby. I made some breakfast" I smile, sitting next to her on the bed and placing the covers over my legs again. I pick up the tray and place it in between us after Lauren sat up too.

We quietly eat, until I decide to break the comfortable silence.
"Y'know what I just realized?" I ask, and she hums.
"I have to go to school for one more day, and then I'm done with high school forever!" I say, lowkey excited, but I'm gonna miss hanging with my friends all day for 5 days in a week.
"You excited?" Lauren asks, looking up from her toast to me.
"I mean, yeah. But in some way I'm gonna miss it I guess."

"Ah yeah, I get it. Like all your friends are gonna go to college, and you're gonna see them less, but you know, when you see them you're gonna have SO much to talk about, and you're gonna be even more happy to see them etcetera. You get me?" She says, and I smile.
"Yeah I get it, and it's true but I feel like I'm gonna miss them so much". I say, before putting a piece of toast in my mouth.

"It's all gonna be fine, I'm sure it'll be". She says, with a small smile.
"God, I love you so much! You're so pretty! With that adorable little smile of you, oh my god!" I say, holding her smiling face in my hands.
"Aawww, baby! I love you too! Sooooo much", she says in her adorable voice.
"Lets watch those movies babygirl" I say, picking up the tray and bringing it to the kitchen while Lauren sets up Netflix on the tv in my bedroom.

"You ready?" I ask, as I walk back into the bedroom, flopping on the bed next to her, and pulling the covers over me.

"Yes!" She says smiling, and I giggle, she's too cute.
"What movie did you pick?"
"Spongebob Squarepants the movie!" She says excitedly.
"I swear you're addicted to fucking spongebob babe" I giggle, picking up my glasses from my bedside table and putting them on so I can see the subtitles.

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