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Camila's POV

[ Lauren - 4:57] please get my mom out of here...
[ Camila - 4:57] what's wrong?
[ Lauren - 4:58] she's annoying as fuck, keeps asking if I'm dating someone..
[ Camila - 4:58] just say yes lmao
[ Lauren - 4:59] then she's gonna ask al about you and ughhh
[ Camila - 4:59] haha fuck you
[ Lauren - 5:00] yes please
[ Camila - 5:00] ... .... i mean i'd love to buuuuuut your mom is there and yeah she doesn't know about me lmao
[ Lauren - 5:01] like I didn't think about that jeeeeez now I'm gonna cook for my mom so she can finally shut up while eating...
[ Camila - 5:02] yeah, imma do my homework..
[ Lauren - 5:02] haha good one

I throw my phone on my bed and take of my makeup, change into some Nike sweatpants and a croptop and lay on my bed, a nap wouldn't do wrong, right?

(4 hours later)

I wake up, looking on my phone.
Fuck it's already 9 pm..

I get out of bed, walking to the kitchen.

I grab a can of coke and quickly drink it.
I pick up my phone and see that Lauren texted me 2 hours ago, that her mom's finally gone.

I quickly text her back, saying I'm ordering some sushi, asking if she wants some.

She texts back that she's coming over.

(Half an hour later)

Lauren and I are laying on the sofa, just talking, as there's a knock on the door.

"Yes! My sushi! Finally!" I yell running towards the door, tripping over my backpack which is still on the floor by the door, what causes Lauren to laugh hysterically.

I pay the boy who delivers the sushi and run back to Lauren, who is still laughing because I tripped.

I stick my tongue out at her and drop on the sofa next to her, putting the sushi on the coffee table.

We eat the sushi while watching American Horror Story.

I laugh as she screams at the jumpscare,
"You're such a baby" I say laughing.

"I'm older then you, you asshole!" She says, and starts tickling me.

I start to laugh and try to get out of her grip.

A minute later she finally stops tickling and she's straddling me, staring into my eyes.

I stare back into her eyes and feel her lips against mine.

We kiss for a few minutes until I remember my sushi, so I pull back and grab my sushi, while she laughs.

We watch 3 episodes of AHS, and it's already 11:30 pm.

"I should go home, if I'm late Ally is gonna kill me" Lauren says while getting up.

I get up with her and kiss her, walking her to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school" she says and smiles, while I shake my head.

2 minutes later I look around the kitchen and notice I don't have cigarettes anymore, so I put on my Vans and walk towards the parking lot, getting in my car and driving to the store.

I buy 2 packets of cigarettes and drive home, seeing Lauren get in her car, while calling someone. I get out of my car and hear her talk,
"Yes mom, okay, okay, okaayyy, yes I'm on my way now, okay see you later".

I hear her sigh and see her hitting her head against the steering wheel. She turns on the engine and closes her door, buckling up and she drives away.

(45 minutes later)

I'm sitting on my balcony smoking a cigarette, when I see Lauren pulling up in the parking lot, walking towards the back seats and opening the door.

I see her getting a little girl out of the backseat, the girl is still sleeping so Lauren carries her..

Wait, who is this?
Lauren never told me about a niece or something, and we've talked a lot..

Is this her daughter?

I see her getting a bag out of the back seats and close her door.

I'm gonna ask her tomorrow if this is her daughter..

(The next morning)

It's 8:30 and I walk out of my condo. I look to my right, walking towards the elevator when I see Lauren's door opening.

The little girl I saw last night walks out of the door, with Lauren behind her.
Lauren locks up the condo and grabs the little girl's hand.

They walk into the elevator and Lauren smiles at me.

We greet and I drop down to the little girl's level, "who is this cutie?" I ask.

"This is Olivia or Liv, my niece, I had to babysit her for the night" Lauren smiles at me as Liv hugs me, and I hug back.

"Liv we have to hurry up, we have to go to your school and I have to go to my own school Okay?" Lauren says and Liv nods.

As soon as the elevator doors open, Lauren lifts Olivia in her arms and carries her.

"Bye Camz, see you at school" she yells as she runs towards her car on the parking lot.

I laugh as I see her running on high heels with Olivia in her arms, this has to be how it'll look when we have children.

Are we gonna have kids? Are we gonna stay together? I think as I get in my car and start driving to school.

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