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Camila's POV:

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the bright, yellow-ish daylight that's shining trough my window.

Damnit, I forgot to close the curtains again!

I slowly open my eyes again and grab my phone, looking at the time; 7:30 am, great!

I roll over and fall out of bed, but I don't care, the floor is actually really cool and chill to lay on.

After a few minutes of just laying on the wooden floor I decide to get up.

I put on the clothes I choose yesterday and brush my teeth and hair, putting my hair in a bun and grabbing my backpack, I walk towards the kitchen.

I grab my keys from the counter and walk to my car, getting in it and driving to the near Starbucks for some breakfast.

I order a cookie and a frappuccino, and sit back in my car.

I drive towards the school and park in a spot on the parking lot.

Since it's way before school time, almost all the places are empty, and the only cars I recognize are teachers' cars.

I put the radio a little louder and open up the paper Starbucks bag, getting out my chocolate cookie and eating it.

I take out my phone and just sit in my car, listening to the calming sound coming out of my radio.

I recognize 'somebody else' from The 1975, I really like this band!

I smile and mumble the words as I scroll trough Instagram, liking some pics from my friends and sipping on my frappuccino.

Nobody thinks I do, but I really like going to school early to just sit in my car and listen to the radio.

Nobody thinks I would, cause I'm the bad ass, but I also like doing things like this.

It just doesn't fit in my image, I think.

People think I like getting drunk with my mates, coming to school hungover and late, but that's really not what I do, or like.

'I need to get rid of this image, this bad ass image' I think, and look out of the window next to me.

I see students getting out of their cars, dreading to go to school after 3 free days,
Students walking or riding their bike to the front of the school, putting their bike against a tree and walking inside the huge, brick building.

I guess it's time for me to also go inside the building everybody hates, school, aka prison, hell and a whole lot of other names.

I grab my backpack and get out of my car, locking it and I walk inside the school, towards my locker.

I grab some of my books I need and put them in my backpack.

I spot Dinah walking inside the school and I walk towards her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"Hi Cheechee!" I say and she smiles at me, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"Hi Chancho!" She says, and we walk towards the maths classroom.

"So you never told me how the date went?" I say, and Dinah smiles brighter.

Teach Me - A Camren Fanfiction (GxG)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat