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Camila's POV

I groan when I wake up from the noise my alarm makes. I pick up my phone and turn it off. Sighing when the ringing finally stops.
I lay back again and close my eyes. On this moment I thank god I live alone and not with my parents, 'cause I'm sure my mom would scream at me for going back to sleep, but who cares now?

(30 minutes later)
I wake up again and look at the time.
fuck fuck fuck I have to go to school...

I jump out of bed and throw on some black jeans, a white croptop, my black doctor Martens and my leather jacket of course.
I grab my bag, phone, charger, keys, cigarettes and lighter and run out of my condo.

I see Dinah's car in the front of the condo building.

"Finally, for fucks sake what took you so long?!" Dinah asks.
"I just slept through my alarm" I lie.
We race to school and quickly get out and walk into the building. I sigh, another week in hell.

I walk towards my locker and see a younger boy standing before it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask and the boy looks at me.

"Well are you going to fucking move or what?" I yell and the boy quickly walks away, while I smirk and open my locker.

"You're so mean" Dinah laughs while opening her locker which is next to me.

"That's just who I am" I say and wink at her.

I pick up my English book and we walk towards the classroom. We meet up with Normani who is in our class too.
We sit in the back of the room.

"So how was the fuck after the party Mila?" Normani asks while smirking.

"Fucking amazing girl, so much better than that hoe Janel" I say, while looking at Janel, who is seated in the front of the room, and winking at her, she blushes and quickly goes back to reading her book.

Dinah, Normani and I talk for a little and the teacher walks in.

"Girl we have a new teacher" Mani says.
"She looks hot from behind" Dinah says, while Mani and I laugh at her.

"Okay everybody, I am the new teacher, Miss Jauregui" The teacher says as everybody is silent. She looks around the classroom and we lock eyes. "Fuck" I whisper, while her eyes widen.

"Isn't that the girl from the party?!" Dinah whisper-yells. I nod slowly.
"Ooooh you're so fucked" Dinah whispers back.

"But you have to admit, she pretty fucking hot"
I say while smirking.

Lauren is wearing a black pencil skirt, a white shirt and some black heels. Fuck she's so hot, but she's my teacher... this is so fucked up..

(In lunch break)



[Camila - 12:19 pm] Okay calm the fuck down..
We need to talk.. And I didn't told anybody so if you didn't told anybody too you will not be arrested..

[Lauren - 12:20 pm] How the fuck would I calm down if I just found out I slept with one of my students?!

[Camila - 12:21 pm] Okay okay.. we need to talk..

[Lauren - 12:22 pm] You have a free period next hour, come to my classroom and we'll tak..

[Camila - 12:23 pm] I was going to smoke some shit with Dinah but okay, I'll be there...

It's the free period and I'm walking towards Lauren's classroom. I knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in'. I see Lauren sitting at her desk.

"Hi" She mumbles as I close the door and walk towards her desk.

"This is really fucked up" I say, while sitting on her desk.

"It's your fault, you lied about your age to me"
"I didn't think you would fuck with some 18 year old chick"
"Fuck, I'm so lucky you're 18 cause that's already one thing..."

"So, are we gonna cut this thing off orrr...?"
"I don't even fucking know.. I only know that I really like you..." She leans back in her chair.

"I really like you too" I say.
"Soooo, are we gonna try and work this out?"
"If it is up to me we do" I smirk.

"But we can't get caught!" She says while looking me straight in the eyes.

I nod. "So are we done here?" I ask.
"Yeah sure" she says.
"I'm gonna smoke some shit Dinah's bringing, don't tell anybody we smoke on school ground or we get suspended" I say and she nods.
I kiss her lips and I walk away, towards the sport fields. Where I see Dinah sitting, smoking a cigarette.

"Hey" she says.
"Hi" I say while lighting my cigarette and sitting next to her on the bleacher.

"Have you made things up?" She asks.
"Yeah, we're going to try and make this work.. but you can't tell anyone D!" I say, while she nods.

(After school)

I'm laying on my bed, smoking a joint.
I'm watching some random show on tv, 'Teen moms' I guess, I'm not really watching, I'm texting Lauren.

[ Camila - 5:47 pm]wyd?
[ Lauren - 5:48 pm] I should be grading work rn but I ain't doing that ;)
[ Camila - 5:48 pm] you're such a badass lmao
[ Lauren - 5:49 pm]Talking 'bout badasses, what are you doing? ;)
[ Camila - 5:50 pm]just laying on bed, smoking a joint, watching Teen Moms..

[ Lauren - 5:51 pm] Sounds like heaven rn, this work is boring af..
[ Camila - 5:52 pm] Do it later then..
[ Lauren - 5:53 pm] Nahh, this has to be done..
[ Camila - 5:54 pm] ugh, I'll never gonna become a teacher.. it sound sooooo boring..
[ Lauren - 5:55 pm] Its not that bad lmao..
[ Camila - 5:56 pm] ....
[ Lauren - 5:56 pm] k, I gtg, this has to be done.. ttyl..
[ Camila - 5:57 pm] k byee

I put my phone away and get up, walking towards my desk, which is placed against one of the walls in my bedroom.

I pick up my lighter and packet of cigarettes,
I walk towards the kitchen and grab the ashtray.

I sit in one of the bar chairs and light my cigarette.

This is so fucked up, I'm kinda in a relationship with my fucking teacher...

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