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Camila's POV:

It's Monday, 3:30 pm, and I'm walking to my car.

Lauren was sick today, so she wasn't at school, now we got an old English teacher, school was soooo boring!

I throw my backpack in the passenger seat and start the car, I'm off to play with my little sister.

I take the long way to my parents' house, because there was really good music on the radio, I love music and I think I want to do something with music when I graduate and have to look for a job.

I mean, I can play the guitar, and people say I can sing pretty good, so I think I can do something with it.

I pull up at the huge mansion my little sister lives in with her nanny's, since my parents are always on business trips.

I stop my car in front of the car garages next to the mansion and grab my backpack, getting out of the car and locking it.

I walk to the front door that used to be the one I came trough every day, but I was done with it, with my parents, and this house, so I moved away.

As soon as I ring the door bell, it opens and my sister Sofia hugs me tight, and when I say tight, I mean real tight.

"C'mon Sof, let's play!" I say and take her hand, walking to the kitchen where I place my backpack on one of the barstools.

I walk to the fridge and smile excitedly, juiceboxes! Yeet!

"Hey sofi, want a juicebox?" I ask and she nods.

I grab two juiceboxes and Martha, the cleaner walks in.

"Camila!" She says excitedly, pulling me in a hug as I greet her too.

Martha knew me since I was a baby, god she knew me my whole life, she's amazing, someone I could always talk to when I had problems.

I sit on one of the barstools, happily drinking my juicebox as she laughs at me, "I knew you would like them", she says laughing.

As I throw away my empty juice box, Sofia runs to me, "Mila, Mila, you HAVE to see my new doll!" She says and grabs my hand, dragging me to her pink decorated room.

After a few hours of playing with sofi, I think it's time to go home.

I walk to the kitchen, with Sofia holding my hand, to pick up my backpack.

"Well, well, well, if that isn't my long lost daughter" is the first thing I hear when I walk into the kitchen.

When did my mother came home?

"Hi" I say, nervously.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.

That's right, my parents sort of disowned me when I came out.

"I came to play with Sofia, she asked me" I say, looking down.

"I don't want you to come here anymore, and I don't want you to have contact with my daughter anymore! My daughter does not have to be in touch with a.. gay... person" My mother, well, not my mother anymore apparently says.

"What? So I'm not your daughter anymore? Fine with me, I don't want to be the child of a homophobic bitch" I say angrily, and grab my backpack.

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