Clarke is the last to realise that standing amongst the crowd of what seems to be grounders is Cassie.

Clarke and the rest try to catch up with Luna who's almost close to coming in contact with the strange group.
"Luna stop" Clarke ordered again but there was no luck .
Luna had grabbed Cassie tackling her to the ground.
"This is for taking Raven" she said before holding up her fist.
Clarke is next to tackle Luna.
They both end on the ground with Cassie getting up not bothered with the help of the rest of the grounders with her.
Both Monty and Harper help Clarke and Luna up before facing the group.
There where one woman , two men who looked injured  with a few children wrapped in blankets dirty and bruised.
"These are the last survivors of the shadow valley clan , 7 of  them" Cassie declared.

"Since I found them when we landed I've been going off giving them our supplies we found , the ones I stole from you guys I gave to them for the children , they didn't want to be found"  Cassie explained smiling.
It was the first time Clarke had seen her smile not out of spite.

"Nightbloods ?" Clarke asks .
Cassie turns behind her looking at the 4 children and the adults.
"From what I know of two of the children are .."  Cassie explains.
"The two brothers  are suffering from the radiation all this time they didn't inhale a lot but enough to cause them slow pain , the woman tells us she found shelter in the valley with them and they were untouched"
Clarke looks confused. She only ever knew of Maddie who belonged to that Clan. Maybe they knew who Madi was.

"Do you know a young girl who may have been lost" Clarke asks .
The two brothers look at each other and shake there heads but the woman is being nudged by one of the children.
She nods back in response before facing Clarke .
"There was one child we was meant to look after a long while ... she got lost from us we took her in for her parents orders from Lexa before she passed"

"Nightblood?" Clarke asks .
The woman nods.
" yes she was snuck away to us" 
Clarke sighs.
The thought of Madi being evacuated made her miss her even more , she only hoped she was safe with Murphy.
"How did you survive ?" Clarke asks.
"Pure survival , we lived on the edge of the green land and we scavenged , idris and alek here helped but they grow weak , they where less fortunate"

Luna didn't want to break the conversation but coughed to get everyone's attention.
"I don't want to break this up but Cassie what the hell are you doing away from where your meant to be"
Cassie took something out of her pocket putting the group on edge but they relaxed when they saw a book.
"Beccas book , my mothers I assume you know since Monty would of explained it was probably the only way to get you to trust me" she adds
Monty nodded.
"Did you say Becca pramheda?" Harper asked.
Cassie nodded .
"This belonged to my father it was passed to him from my mother , he flew the ship , he died before I woke up and my mother was abandoned from me .. Becca .. I snuck on the ship , Marcus had sent guards to kill me , no one knew what I looked like but I took them out and snuck on the ship as a prisoner guard and Was put in cryo sleep .. Marcus is the one you need to worry about not Athena at this point ... I'm here to bring justice and peace and avenge my parents" Cassie said before looking up to the sky .
"Cassie could you lead us to the ship" Clarke asks.
"That wouldn't be a good idea , Marcus probably is on the look out , I only hope that Athena and Raven took my bait and started looking for me , I needed to be able to get people away from the army on that ship and Marcus so I can focus on the plan of takin him out for good because I know Athena wouldn't do that herself .. if you say that you have the nightblood child on the run with others they need to hide because Marcus will find them on his way"
"And Raven ?" Luna asks .
Cassie nods .
"She is great .. she knows Marcus is after her though , she knows she's the key to open the bunker tomb" Cassie said.
She flips a page in the book.

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