Chapter III

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As I walk with Adrian towards the ceremony, there is one thing that keeps nagging me. His aura is more powerful than his brother's.

He radiates power and authority. I feel a pull at my dress and get out of my thoughts.

I look down and see a cute little boy about age five. Adrian just watches silently.

"Hi. What is your name?" I ask sweetly and level with him.

"Hi. I am Aaron. You are really pretty." He says in a soft voice.

"Thanks Aaron. You are quite handsome too." I chuckle. At that, he chuckles too.

"Are you our new Luna?" His eyes were full of wonder.

"No, why do you think that?"

"You are with Alpha Adrian and you are nice and pretty. Luna should be nice and pretty." Aaron reasons with me.

"Isn't Kylie nice and pretty?" I ask. But I already know the answer.

"No, she is mean! She says she doesn't like pups." He whispers to me.

"Oh." I dumbfoundedly say. Well, why am I surprised?

"Aaron! There you are! I am so sorry. Aaron I told you not to run away." A woman says. She is pregnant and I am assuming that is his mother.

"Sorry. I was talking to Luna." I open my mouth to correct him but Adrian cuts me off. I can sense he is very much annoyed. I just don't know if with me, Aaron or that woman.

"Come on Naiad, we shouldn't be late." He said. His voice was void and he didn't even say hi to the woman or child. I wave at them and then turn to look at my beloved. Damn he is handsome. I must thank all of the Gods for him.

"I am sorry if it bothered you that I talked with that pup." I softly say, wanting for him to relax a bit and stop frowning.

"It didn't bother me it's- forget it, it's fine. Come on!"

We finally arrived at our destination. There, in the middle of the meadow, was a stage. And the event was already starting. Adrian quickly walks towards the stage. My mom and dad are standing near it with few guards around them. I thought they left them at the entrance? I acknowledge them with a slight nod.

"You do know that since you are my mate, you do not need to bow to them?" Adrian states and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I do it out of respect to my parents."

"Fine, but once we mate, you will stop doing it!" He says coldly. What now? Few minutes ago, he was nice and gentle and now, you see how it is.

I just nod in response. We stand on stage and wait for Alpha or Adrian's dad to start talking.

"Hi everybody, we are here today because me and my mate, your Luna will retire. My son will precede me! Nick and Kylie step forward. Everyone cheers, but Nick shuts them up. Why is this family so weird?

"With all due respect Alpha, I am not the rightful owner. I agreed to the Alpha position because Adrian didn't have a mate, now he has found her and he can be the Alpha."

"You are correct Nick! Adrian, Naiad." I look at my parents in shock, but they are calm. I then look at Adrian and see he is already looking at me. The hell just happened? This day just took a 180 and I can't seem to keep up with it!

"Are you ready to be Luna?"

"What?" I am still dumbfounded.

I see my father give me a warning look to compose myself and I quickly do so. In case this goes wrong, I don't want to listen to his rambling on my way back.

"Apologies Alpha, if you find me suitable and the pack approves of me, then I am ready."Although I was talking in a normal voice, the whole pack heard and they all started cheering. Since I certainly don't know why, I look at the person I think should know. Adrian.

"They accept you as their Luna. As for me, I wouldn't accept you if you aren't suitable." Well gee, thanks. Your last statement was really comforting. What a lovely mate I have. I stay quiet, not really knowing what to say.

"Then it is settled! You will join my pack as a Luna." Adrian breaks the silence.

"Alpha!" My father calls out. "That wasn't our agreement. She is to come back with us!"

"No!" My beloved growls and stands in front of me protectively. Again, what the hell is going on?

"Dad, what kind of agreement?" I asked, perplexed. This day is getting more and more confusing.

"Father" He corrects me. "Your mother and I knew that he is your beloved, but we said to Alpha that his son can go with us; you will not leave our village. Who will pay respects to Tefnut if not you?" Oh yeah, because that is the only reason he even wants me. I don't know why I even bother anymore, he just wants to control every part of my life.

"Father, I wish to stay with my beloved here in his pack. I can pay respect for both your village and this pack. I am strong enough to do that. Besides they have the most beautiful flowers here and the Goddess will be pleased."

He knows he lost his fight when I mention that the Goddess will be pleased. Now he can't refuse me anymore.

"Fine, but if something should go wrong, I will drag you there!" Well, that is my father to you folks. His threats are interesting to say the least. But when Adrian hears them, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. Of course, after giving him a warning growl.

"Honey, everything will be fine. Maybe we should go." My mom tries to reason with him and break the tension. Poor pack, this must be so weird for them.

"Alpha, Luna." My father bows. He knows better than to argue. My mom waves to me quickly and follows my dad. So much for goodbyes, only God knows when we will see each other again.

"Well then, let's start this ceremony. Adrian and Naiad, please come here. Adrian King, do you accept your responsibilities as a pack Alpha, to protect this pack and always do what is best for them?"

"I do." He says his voice is dominant.

"Naiad, do you accept your responsibilities as a pack Luna, to give them love and care like a mother should do and always do what is best for them?"

"I do." I say softly.

"Bluemoon pack, greet your new Alpha and Luna!"

And the cheers erupted.

Well, this day escalated quickly; from finding my beloved, to becoming a Luna, to leaving my parents' house.

"Tomorrow night, we celebrate! My mate and I need to rest." Adrian says and takes my hand. Who said I am tired? Whatever! After a two minute walk, we reach a small cottage. I guess this is his house.

"Adrian?" I can't stand this anymore.

"Yes." He grumbles.

"I have a bunch of questions. Can I ask them now?" I fidget with my fingers.

"Sure. You want some tea?"


"Okay, go sit down in the living room and wait for me there."

Waiting for about 4 minutes, he enters the living room with two cups of tea.

"You can begin with questions."

Alpha Adrian [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now