yoonkook - need daddy

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Request from Jiminnie_Hyung226

Jungkook thought he could carry all the bags all by himself. He really thought he could. But he didn't know that there would be a big discount on the chocolates and other teeth rooting stuff so he just had to buy two full bags alongside other things that were on the shopping list.

He struggled on his way back towards their apartment and the fact that it looked like it could rain any moment didn't bring up his mood. "Gosh, I'm so stupid." He muttered to himself and managed to put the hood on as he felt few drops already falling on his cheeks.

Except, it wasn't just few drops. It started pouring and Jungkook ran last few blocks until he was safely back in his living room. He was dripping wet and water started to pool around his feet.

He put the bags on the kitchen counter and striped out of the soaked clothes on the way to Yoongi and his bedroom.

Once he was there he put on some baggy clothes and dried his hair. It was the first time the lights flickered that he jumped and almost fell into the bathtub.

He wasn't scared of the dark, no. He was scared of thunder and because the lights flickered means it will start storming, right?

Just then it rumbled from outside and a soft whine passed his lips. He knew he was gonna slip, it always happened in times like this, but what he was most scared of was that Yoongi wasn't here to protect him.

Yoongi would always tell their loved ones were just having fun bowling up there and it would make Jungkook smile widely.

But Yoongi wasn't here to comfort him, he was in his studio working on music that needed to be released soon.

Jungkook rushed to the bed and hid under the covers not before he closed all the blinds and made sure the windows were closed.

He pulled his toy shark from under the bed and hugged it close to his chest. "Daddy will be home soon." He whispered to himself.

One rule he had when slipping into little space is to always inform daddy.

But his phone was in the kitchen and that was so, so far away, there's no way he would abandon his safe place to get his phone.

Yet, he knew he had to.

So he wrapped the blanket around himself and tucked the plushie under his arm. "Operation, start!" He whisper-yelled and jumped off the bed just as another booming sound errupted and he let out a high pitched scream.

He ran to the kitchen as fast as he could with the blanket pooling around his feet. He was so close to the counter when the noise came again but this time it was louder and clearer so he crouched down into a ball as a whimper left his soft lips.

Few moments of silence passed and he straightened up to reach for his phone. Once he had it he immediately dialed Yoongi's number - not really, he had him on speed dial.

Seconds passed and Yoongi wasn't answering. Jungkook whined and pressed the call button again but the sound of door opening and closing made him look into that direction.

He saw a black figure there, hunched over and barely moving.

A sob filled the almost silent room as it shook his body uncontrollably. "Please, n-no come. K-Koo g-good."

"What, no, baby, it's me, daddy." As if the sun beamed trough the dark clouds Jungkook saw Yoongi's pale face wrapped in a black clothing, probably a scarf or something similar.

Jungkook immediately ran to his arms and nuzzled his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck. The elder wrapped his arms around younger's thin frame and kissed the top of his head. "Daddy's here, I'm here."

Yoongi hooked his arms under Jungkook's strong thighs and lifted him up.

Jungkook was now shaking way less and Yoongi layed him back on the soft mattress. Younger sniffled and cracked a small smile as Yoongi managed fo get himself under the covers." It's okay, momma is playing bowling, right? She must be winning if it's so loud."

Jungkook giggled and noded his head as Yoongi ran his hand trough Jungkook's golden-like hair. "Momma good bowler."

Yoongi noded and started rubbing circles into Jungkook's soft skin until he was completely relaxed. Jungkook put his shark plushie in between their bodies and closed his eyes, his body ready to sleep.

"I love you, baby boy." Yoongi whispered close to his ear and the corners of Jungkook's lips turned upwards.

"Love you too, daddy."


Hiiii, had some free time so decided to finally update. Ah, hope you like it!!! ♥️

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