taegi - drawings

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"Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon"

Taehyung sang along with the anime that was curently playing on the small tv screen in front of him as he was wrapped in his favourite blanket on Batman. The duality of Kim Taehyung.

He chuckled as the song ended and looked back at his daddy who was sorting trough some papers. The lightbulb above the table where Yoongi sat was turned off even though it was dark outside, making it nearly impossible to read and calculate the numbers from the bills.

"Daddy, can you watch Sailoow Moon with me, pwease~" Taehyung pleaded with his best puppy eyes and cutest pout, making him look like a sad puppy.

"Bubba, I can't right now, okay? Daddy has some work to do." Yoongi calmly said as he rubbed his temple, numbers and papers making his head spin.

Taehyung pouted more and turned back towards the tv taking a handfull of popcorns from a bowl.


After Sailoor Moon had ended, Taehyung got up from his spot on the couch and ran to kitchen with bowl in his hands. He carefully put it in the sink and washed his hands from the salt. He wiped them on his blanket and ran to Yoongi only to see that the older was asleep on the big pile of uncolorful papers.

Taehyung hummed and ran to his and Yoongi's bedroom kneeling down in front of the nighstand drawer. He took the pack of overlyused crayons and another pack with markers and quickly run back to the dining room, his Batman blanket trailing behind him.

He sat down on the chair next to Yoongi and quietly put down art supplies on the table. He took some of the papers that weren't under the shorter's head and opened his pack with crayons taking the red one out.

He started drabbling around the edge of the paper making a frame. He took the green one also and started making flower stems and leaves finishing it off with bright pink petals.

He wrote I love you messily on the top of the paper and signed the paper with Bubba on the empty line near the bottom. He made few hearts around it with neon pink marker and added a cute smiley face.

He colored few more papers with different kinds of flowers and animals and signed each one with his favorite nickname.

After he washed his hands from the crayon marks that were on his delicate hands, he ran back to Yoongi and gently shook his shoulder. "Daddy, wake up~"

Yoongi didn't move an inch.

Taehyung huffed and ran to kitchen to get smelly cheese from the fridge. He put his fingers on his nose as he took it out and made a disgusted face. He walked back to Yoongi and hung the stinky piece of cheese in front of his face hoping that it would wake his daddy up.

And it did.

Yoongi sniffed the aroma around him and scrunched his nose quickly snapping his head up from the table which resulted in few pieces of paper falling down on the ground. He quickly covered his nose with the collar of his shirt. "Bubba, get that thing away from me."

Taehyung chuckled and carried the unwanted food back where it belonged quickly washing his hands after that.

When he came back, he found his daddy with wide eyes and mouth agape. "Tae! What did you do to the bills!?"

Taehyung chuckled. "I made them colowfull. They looked boling. Alen't they pwetty, daddy?" He quickly climbed on the older's lap and made himslef comfortable. "I-It has wed, a-and blue and-"

"Bubba, you can't draw on daddy's papers." Yoongi reasoned as he rubbed Taehyung's bare thigh.

"But, daddy, it says I love you." Taehyung pointed at the top of the paper to the words messily written in pink crayon.

"I know, bubba. But these are very important."

"But, daddy~ It's pink!" Tae chuckled and grinned so wide that it looked like it hurt.

Yoongi sighed and smiled softly kissing the other's head.

He can't stay mad long at him, he loves him too much.

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