yoonjinkook - didn't plan to fall this deep

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Request from Fandom_Fangirl12

!mock breasfeeding

It was already 2 in the morning and the light in Yoongi's studio was still on. He barely had anything to eat and his body was running only on bittersweet coffee.

The comeback was close and he still had to polish few of the songs.

It was the moment his head hit the keyboard he knew he had to get some rest. So, he picked up his heavy leather jacket and slung it over his back, he tossed the empty foam cup into the trash and turned off all the equipment.

He locked the now dim studio and started his way towards the apartment.

When he checked his phone he saw he had 13 missed calls from his boyfriends, Seokjin and Jungkook. The only thing he could do now was sigh and pray that he won't get yelled at when he arrived to the apartment.

The moment he twisted the doorknob he heard all the noise that was coming from the inside quiet down.

He pulled off his jacket and put it onto the hanger. "Yoongi, it's almost 3 in the morning, where were you? Me and Jungkook got worried sick."

"In the studio, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Hyung, you're home?" Jungkook's raspy voice called out from the kitchen and seconds later his head popped out from behind the wall.


Seokjin looked Yoongi up and down then he turned his attention towards Jungkook. "Jungkook, would you prepare a cup of warm milk, hm? And maybe a bowl of porridge also."

"Hyung, what-" Yoongi started but was interrupted when Jin brought him to the living room and gently sat him down on the couch.

Jin took the blanket that was threwn over the backrest and wrapped it around Yoongi's torso. "Would baby like some cuddles?"

"But, hyung, I'm not litt-" Yoongi's favorite plushie was now sitting on his lap and staring up at him with it's beaded eyes. "Toto! " He squealed.

Jin smiled widely when he saw that his plan was working. "Jungkook, is porridge ready?"

Few moments later Jungkook could be seen walking out of the kitchen with a small bowl. He took a seat next to Yoongi on the couch and raised up the spoon. "Open mouth wide, baby."

Yoongi complied and Jungkook happily fed him as Jin went to prepare the bed.

"Ah, baby, you're being messy." Jungkook wiped away the trail of porridge that dripped down Yoongi's chin. Yoongi gurgled and pulled his legs up on the couch. He started looking around the apartment in interest as he slowly munched on his meal.

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed as he fed yet another spoon into Yoongi's mouth but it quickly dripped down older's chin again.

"Is he done?" Jin asked as he appeared from the hallway. Yoongi quickly turned towards Jin's voice and raised his hands up. Few babbles left his mouth, too.

"Is baby feeling very little today?" Yoongi only gurgled and started nibbling on the end if the blanket.

"Hyung, he's never been this little before."

Jin aproached the couch, took a seat next to Yoongi and pulled him on his own lap.

"Jungkook, could you search it up online, please." Jin asked as he started rubbing Yoongi's tummy in slow circles. Yoongi snuggled himself closer to Jin's body before he started nibbling onto older's shirt. "You want to suck onto something, hm?"

"It says that he might be in so called 'baby space'. It could be from too much stress. He was in the studio for quite a lot."

Jin nodded and stroked Yoongi's hair softly. Yoongi reached his hand towards the front of Jin's shirt and lifted it up. "What are you doing, baby?" Yoongi looked up at Jin and made few munching sounds. "Y-You want me to b-breastfeed you?" Jin asked in shook and he looked up at Jungkook to see the same exact look on his face. "U-Uhm... Y-Yeah, sure."

Yoongi babbled some more as Jin leaned him down so he can craddle him like a real baby. Yoongi looked at Jin's nipple and giggled a bit before he attached his lips onto it.

"Oh, wow, this is weird." Jin whispered. "Good weird."

Jungkook chuckled and took his phone to quickly snap a pic. "Look, hyung." He showed the eldest male the picture and Jin smiled softly. He looked down at Yoongi's calm figure that was fast asleep with his mouth unconsciously suckling on the bud.

"He's so precious."

Jin noded and stroked little's soft hair. "The most precious."


Well, this took a while to write... I'm sorry, please don't kill me, I love you and I hope you liked it ❤️

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