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Taking a seat on the couch alongside Ashton and Lamont, Anthony let out a sigh before checking the time on his phone. "Oh y'all boys gotta bounce." He looked at them with a shrug. "My girl come home in an hour and the last thing I need is her mouthin' off at me over the fact y'all fucked her spot up." He got up from the quick seat he had just taken before grabbing the littered trash he and the guys generated they pigged out in front of an intense basketball game.

Lamont scoffed. "I know you not letting Jhen run shit?" He raised a brow of disbelief at Anthony.

Anthony chuckled . "The realist shit I ever heard is happy wife, happy life. I'm gone live by that shit and die by that shit."

"Wasn't you just getting hickeys in the club?"Ashton pointed out with a shake of his head.

Anthony stuck him the middle finger. "Ain't you still cryin' like a lil' bitch over Morgan?" He jabbed at Ashton. "But Jhen got me on some three strikes bullshit that I'm positive she heard off one them lame ass TED talks she be watching." He rolled his eyes causing Ashton and Lamont to laugh. "I got two strikes left before she leave my ass and I'm tryna at least make it to our five year mark of marriage before she divorce my ass."

"I never met a nigga so soft over they girl like you."Ashton teased. "That boy in love."

Lamont cackled at Anthony bland face before joining in on the teasing. "Jhen must got that fire because—" Before he could finish his overbearing statement, Anthony snatched him up off the couch by the collar of his shirt.

"You just be ready to die, don't you?" Anthony threatened.

Lamont waved him off. "Nigga you don't want no smoke. I keep on warnin' yo' ass I ain't Hendi. Ain't to much easy physical altercations comin' my way. I'll beat yo' ass."

"Bruh get out of my house." Anthony rolled his eyes leaving to go dispose some of the trash he and the guys created.

Lamont grabbed his phone from the couch. "This a condo not a house, y'all couldn't pay y'all mortgage so y'all downgraded." He laughed hysterically before running out before Anthony could say something to him.

"I don't know why you entertain his slow ass."Ashton chortled as he too grabbed his belongings.

Anthony shrugged. "He give me a good laugh when I need one."

Ashton had to agree since Lamont was very helpful in the humor department. "I'm gone. Hit me if you get a call from anyone of the boys." It had been three weeks since Aven has been locked up and two weeks for Carson. Dieon was juggling both cases simultaneously and it was overwhelming as hell.

"Cool. But do me a favor and throw this out on your way down." Anthony squatted down to the cupboard underneath the kitchen sink and maneuvered passed all of the kitchen cleaning products. Grabbing a small bottle, he handed it over to Ashton.

Ashton looked down at the bottle. The prescription label was peeled off carelessly leaving access paper behind. He looked up at Anthony a bit skeptical and wanting to ask questions, but he decided against it. Instead, he did as Anthony requested after saying his goodbyes and exiting the condo.

Anthony was glad that Ashton opted on not asking questions, because he honestly wouldn't be able to formulate an answer. Letting out a sigh of relief, Anthony went ahead and finished cleaning up for Jhenea's arrival

Jhenea didn't arrive to the condo the time she was expected to causing Anthony to grow agitated. His attitude slightly flushed away once he saw her appear through the threshold of the door with shopping bags and a bag of takeout.

Anthony immediately got up from his spot on the couch and went to go assist her. "Thank God Artist is with your mom because this trip up here would have been ten times harder." She sighed out once Anthony alleviated her arms from all of the bag.

All Grown Up |Sequel To His Block|Where stories live. Discover now