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Carson sat on the couch in Benzi's apartment awaiting for her to arrive home. He had been here for about an hour and some change now just patiently waiting. He didn't know whether to be upset, confused or feel played.

After a long session of isolation and trying to get back in his feet, he began to realize everything.


She was the root of the problem. She caused all the mayhem in his life and he couldn't even see it because she was just that good.

He knew he fucked up badly and as much as he wanted to return to Anthony and Ashton so they could lead each other straight, he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

Downing the last of his beer, he held the bottle in his hand glaring at it. The anger he had within himself was so overwhelming. Within a few seconds, Carson sent the glass bottle flying across the room causing it to shatter against the wall. That had somewhat eased him for the moment being.

Carson heard the door squeak open before it was pushed back into the frame and locked. The sound of Benzi's heels against the wooden floors slithered into Carson's ears.

Carson was a bit under the influence, he had been faced with a lot for the past months. He just felt like his life was going on a spiral and he was in the middle of it all watching it fall
apart. He was going through a minor depression with his father no longer being a phone call away when shit was rocky. He no longer had a definite person to confide in any more and he knew if he kept it in any longer, he would go past insane. His mother, Alice had recently came down with cancer and the hardest shit he had to deal with was keeping it all away from his baby sister. He vowed to protect her and keep her happy, so he was going to keep her away from this as long as possible until he felt like the time is right.

To add upon some of the other things that was wrong with his life, he had just lost his best friends. Anthony Ashton were the only two people that he felt he could depend on, they use to have each other through thick and thin. Carson was devestated that things had finally came to an abrupt halt with the guys. And honestly he knew he couldn't blame anyone but himself.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here?" Benzi took a seat onto the couch adjacent to him as she began taking off her heels

Carson supported his arms on his knees as he held his head in his hands. His thoughts were in and out causing him to grow even angrier and frustrated. "Who you workin' for?"His voice came out raspy and low. His words were slurred as the liquor coated his tongue

"What?"Benzi asked hoping that he could reiterate what he had just said.

By his body language and lost movements, she knew he was drunk. A drunk Carson wasn't as pleasant as a sober one. She always tried to refrain from getting him upset while he was drunk because he was senseless and lacked the calmness he would usually have.

Carson's head slowly raised up as if something had came over him. In his eyes, Benzi could see the darkness and endless look it had to it. The intoxication caused his usually vibrant brown orbs to transition into a gloomy red color. His dark eyelids where shuttered down as they brought more focus on the restless bags he had underneath his eyes. He was sleep deprived. He couldn't care to sleep to loose his last moments of his life before it began to crumble faster than normal. "You fucking heard me Benzi!"He roared at her. She expected his words to come out with his spleen temper now that he had to repeat himself to her. "Who the fuck do you work for?!"

Benzi's heart reached a low point of her body. Her body temperature fell cold and motionless as her throat became dry and cached with crisp air.
"I work for you Carson." Her glands in her cheeks perspired some saliva rushing it down to her throat due to her swallowing deeply.

All Grown Up |Sequel To His Block|Where stories live. Discover now