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Anthony slowly kissed Jhenea holding her chin in percise position. They had been going at it for a few minutes now and they knew nothing further could be done due to them being in the car and Anthony having to go. "I love you." He pecked her lips urging himself to pull away even though he didn't want to.

"Love you too."She pulled him in for another sultry kiss.

His chuckle vibrated in between the two giving Jhenea easy access to slip her tongue in. Feeling like she was getting too carried away, Anthony pulled away again. "You trippin', yo' auntie expecting you."

Jhenea's eyes displayed the fire she wanted to let out. Her hand clung onto his belt buckle quickly toying with it to get it off. Anthony attempted to get ahold of her hands causing her to whine. "Babe c'mon ten minutes." She pleaded.

With a hysterical laugh, Anthony declined her request. "Mama no, we outside in the car in broad daylight. You somethin' else." He shook his head.

She shrugged her shoulders carelessly. "So Anthony, the windows are tinted." She tried to convince him.

Her hormones had been raging lately. Every ten seconds she wanted some sex and it was begining to wear Anthony out. Don't get him wrong, he really, really, really enjoyed it, however it was shocking that she had so much energy all of a sudden.

Not getting a response from him quick enough her hand pulled down his zipper with swiftness. Caught off gaurd, Anthony swatted her hand away. "Hey I'm gone need you to chill." He looked at her in shock. "What gotten into you?"

"Anthony stop playing with me. I'm not gonna see you all day this is the least you can do."She stuck out her bottom lip while folding her arms in between her breast and rounded stomach.

Anthony shook his head no, still laughing at how she was acting. "Stop acting like you aint just get some before we left the house."

Jhenea waved him off while rolling her eyes. "That was foreplay."

Anthony let out another laugh not being able to take her seriously. "Alright mama, keep that same energy tonight." He teased while gently using his fist to tap her chin.

"See all that time we spent talking could have went to use to way more important things, but you wanna sit in here and act childish and shit." Not getting what she wanted she immediately grew irritated and began pulling on the door handle. Anthony had quickly set the door on child lock just to get underneath her skin more. "Anthony let me out."

"Tell me you love me."He grinned cheesily.

"I already did."She stated.

"Well shit, tell me again."

Turning to face him, she sighed. "I love you."

Anthony's grin updated to a smile before he leaned in slowly to kiss her. "I love you too, horny ass little girl."

Not being able to conceal her laughter and smile, she let it showcase while slightly pushing him in a playful manner. "You get on my nerves." She said as she opened up the door after he took it off the child lock setting.

"Thats my job."He admitted. "Now you behave while I'm gone. Don't go do pregnant hoodrat shit with yo' airhead ass sister." He warned her.

"Goodbye Anthony." She closed the door once she was out the car and began making her way to April's front door with her purse and phone in hand.

Being his annoying self, he honked at her as if she was getting cat called by him. Rolling down his window he stuck his head out and began whistling after her. "Let me get them digits ma." He called after her.

All Grown Up |Sequel To His Block|Where stories live. Discover now