Chapter 42

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"We are sorry." The man in the white coat said quietly, spun on his heel and walked away. I slid out of Vegard's arms and sobbed. Vegard reached for me whispering,

"Shh, Samanthia, it's okay, It'll be okay." 

2 Months Later

Matt patted my back, "Still holdin' up alright babe?" He asked me. I gave a faint smile, and small nod. Demetry came up behind Matt and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Hey girlie. Smile more." He said. I gave a bigger smile.

"That's what I'm talking about!" They both said in unison. I giggle,

"I love how you guys do that." I stand up and rub Matt's bicep. "Thanks guys." I say quietly. I head up stair into my bedroom, I sigh heavily. I sit on my bed and begin to pray.

 -**Calle's P.O.V.**-

"I never knew we could do this!" I said. Astri ran and jumped in my arms and I held her so tight. 

"I know Daddy!" In the afterlife, you still have your imagination, the fragments Astri and I put together had created a nice house. Just Astri and I. 

"Come on kiddo." I said setting her on the couch, "I'll be right back, don't burn the house down." I said with a wink, and I went up to my bedroom. Samanthia was sitting on the bed.

"Oh my love." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. I went over to her and held her in my arms and kissed her forehead.

-**Samanthia's P.O.V.**-

I shivered and looked up. 'Cold' I thought. I got up and put on a sweater. My door opened wide open. I looked over...nothing there.

"Hello?" I asked. I shrugged and left my room. Something poked at my side. I jumped and turned around.

"Vegard!" I yelled and hit his arm. He held it and pouted.

"Ow." I laughed, 

"Shut up ya wimp." I grabbed his arm and held it and walked to the kitchen. I leaned up against the counter and crossed my arms. 

"I've been thinking Vegard." I began. He nodded.

"It's time to move on." His face lit up.

"So it's a yes?" He asked. I smiled, walked up to him and took his hands.

"Yes, but remember...slow." He moved his hand and cupped my cheek.

"Of course." He whispered, and kissed my forehead.

Later That Evening

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I said leaving Vegard's arms.

"Alright." He said with a smile.


The hot water was actually really soothing. I didn't spend much time in it though. I hurried up and cleaned myself and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and hair. I looked up and gasped. Tears prickled at my eyes. Something had been written in the fog on the mirror.

'I'm still here.' 

"Calle?" I asked. I shook my head and left the bathroom. "It's not funny Vegard!" I yelled towards the living room as I went into my bedroom. The door opened and closed. I quickly turned around. Nothing.

-**Calle's P.O.V**-

She was still so beautiful. I sighed as I could hear Vegard faintly call her name. 

"Daddy!" Astri said from downstairs. I got up and went to her,

"Yes hun?" I asked. She hugged me.

"I was getting bored." She said. I smiled, took her hand and we went to watch TV. 

"Astri?" I began, she looked at me with her big blue eyes, "Is there anyway we can go back?" Her face turned sad and she looked down.

"Not that I know of." I rubbed her back.

"Maybe there's something we can do?" I said with a hopeful voice. She shrugged.


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