Chapter 44.

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I sigh as I put my letter into the envelope and tape it shut. On the front, as neatly as I could, Vegard. A tear hit the envelope and I gasped not knowing tears were even streaming. I set it on his night stand and grabbed a pair of shoes and headed out of the house. I begin to walk, knowing the exact location of where I want to go.
"Two years, 8 Months, 27 Days." I whisper to myself over and over again. I'm losing my mind, I know. It still hurts. I wipe the tears away as I just walk.
~Bård's P.O.V~
I sit alone in my cell as I'm losing my mind. I fucked up, big time. She wasn't even worth it. She wasn't worth it. I still blame her, I killed her husband to get her. "She wasn't worth it."
I'm stuck in this cell, for life. Not even on death row, I'd rather just die than have to sit here for the rest of my life.
"She wasn't worth it."
I zip halfway down my suit and take off my tank top, zipping the suit back up. I examine the shirt and look up. This will have to do.
~Samanthia's P.O.V~
Not much further now. I slightly smile as I see my destination ahead.

I sit down and I feel the cold breeze blowing at my hair. I sigh and look down.

~*"Well, just trust me...please?" I gave in I don't know why. "Alright, fine. Where, and when, and what do I wear?" He told me the place, and very nice restaurant downtown. He said to dress nice, he was going to pick me up at 20:00. I had a solid two hours. I picked out my outfit, a red cocktail dress, not to short or showy. I went and took a shower. I came out and finished drying myself off, I still had and hour and a half. I went downstairs and told Matt and Demetry what was going down. "He is a comedian, you can't trust him, In going to sneak behind you, well not seriously behind you, but maybe after 20 mintues I'll be there just in case, he does something to embarrass you!" Demetry had it planned out. "Awe you are so sweet!" I lightly punched his shoulder.*~

*~Hey whats wrong?" I asked Calle. We were both very quiet the whole night. He grabbed both my hands and looked into my eyes.
"I know I have only known you for about 3 days now, but I really like you," my eyes opened wide and so did his, "I'm not saying I love you! I just really like you, you have been such a pleasure!" One of his hands moved to my right cheek and he caressed it.

Many thoughts running through my head. I have not seen Calle like this ever. On the show he was a fuck free guy! I loved this side of him, I never thought I would have, well, think that.

I slightly moved closer, I felt his breath on my lips. He kissed me. It was slow yet passionate. I pulled back slowly. The kiss lingered on my lips.*~

*~Okay," I said, "OPEN!" I said as Matt and Demetry tore into their presents. I couldn't stop laughing. I handed my gift to Calle. He opened it slowly. It was a pair of socks. He smiled and put them on.

"Thank you beautiful!"He said handing his present to me. It was a little box. I opened it. It was a claddagh ring. It had a green gem stone for the heart. I looked at Calle.

"'s beautiful! Thank you so much!!" I said giving him a hug.

"Well I know you have some irish in ya so...haha." He replied. I went to my bedroom to put my ring away. I gasped. On my vanity, was the same velvet box I had thrown out the window. But a note was with it, It read,

I shall have you princess, don't throw my love away. -Bård.

I saw a figure outside my open window. I ran and looked but it was gone. I shut my window and locked it. I went to the corner of my room and slid down the wall and cried.*~

*~I quietly got off my bed and went to the hallway bumping into Bård. Literally.

"I want to talk." He said.

"Sure." I replied. He took my hand and went to the his room. I went and sat on the bed. Bård quickly came over and kissed me. My fingers got lost in his hair, but I pulled back,

"So much for talking." I whispered. He laughed and sat next to me.

"Well, Samanthia, I still love you, especially after I left. I was so heart broken. Now after seeing you come here I was hoping we could have gotten back together, but now you are getting married. I can't believe that," He took my hands and looked deeply into my eyes. "Please, just, I love you, I want to be with you." He slowly began to lean in.

"Bård, I think I'm pregnant." I blurted out. His head moved back,

"What?" He asked leaving my hands. His faced turned red with anger,

"How could-How do you know?"

"Bård, we are getting married, of course we are going to have a family, don't get all bitchy. But I'm not sure yet." I said standing up. He grabbed my wrist,

"Do you know how much that hurts me?" ~*

*~Vegard's hand never left mine. We made it back to my house.

"Do you need help?" He asked. I looked up at him with puppy eyes. He smiled and left the car opening my door and helping me out. He went round the back and got my bag and held it to me. We walked up to the door.

"Key...shit." I muttered.

"Don't you have a hidden spare somewhere?" Asked Vegard. I shook my head. I closed my eyes and took a breath hoping the door was unlocked. It was. I smiled at Vegard.

"Calle." I called. I went to the living room to drop my bag. Oh I did, I dropped the bag and soaked up the view. I couldn't move, tears began to flow my eyes. I let out a blood hurling scream. Vegard came running.

"Oh my god." He whispered. I collasped on Calle's lifeless body and sobbed. Vegard fell next to me crying as well. By now I was covered in his blood. Vegard has called 9-11. I cried harder. All I know now is that I was holding on to my dead husband.

I felt strong arms pull me away from my husband. I screamed and kicked.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Please Calm down! We well get this man to the hospital! We need you to stay calm." He said holding me. My sobs eventually turned into hypervenalation. I hugged myself and began to rock. This was it. My world is crumbling beneath my feet.

"I can't, I can't" I kept repeating as I watched them take away my husband. A pair of brown eyes met mine.

"Samii. I'm going to drive you to the hospital. Okay? We are going to see what's going on okay?" He said rubbing my shoulders.~*

~Vegard's P.O.V~
Dear Vegard,
I'm sorry, it's hard. I can't sit here and pretend things are okay. They aren't, they never will be. I loved you, Calle, hell even Bård. But things are so different. I bet you could even tell, when I kissed you, there was nothing. I didn't feel anything. I have made my final decision, but I ask for one favor, don't let my spirit die. Remember me for the laughs and good times we had, and all the thrills we had together. I hope, no, I know I made a place in your heart and touched you in a special way. I know it's selfish, but I have chosen to die, but I haven't chosen to be forgotten. I must find a new world, a world of peace and happiness. I'll still be with you always. I want you to know I am not afraid to die, only to quit living, so make my rememberance as if I'm still living. I'll miss you Vegard. Things will be right soon enough. Goodbye.
I'm sorry, Samanthia.
My heart pounds as I read 'Goodbye' Over and over again.
"Oh my god. Oh my god." I can't stop shaking and tears are still pouring. I hurry, get up and put some clothes on. I grab my phone,
I quickly text her. My heart drops as I hear a fimilar Ding come from the other side of the room. There on her nightstand was her phone, lit up with my message displayed on her lock screen. I freak out and run outside my brain jumbled of thinking where she might be.
~Samanthia's P.O.V~
I stand up and look down, it was frozen over. I close my eyes, take one last breath and I let myself fall from the edge of the bridge. Letting go of everything...forever.

Will you guys hate me if I say this is the end?
Don't worry there will be an epilogue soon. For more with Vegard, Demetry and Matt. I'm sorry it was abrupt. But this was so much fun. I can't even begin.
But guys, bueno, don't turn to that shit for anything. I'm not kidding, there is nothing in the world that bad to where you have to take your life. Just grow stronger. Everything will turn out better. It always me.
Anyway thank you guys it has been a blast, and thank you for supporting me. I love each and everyone of you!
~Samii xoxo

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