Chapter 29

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I walked, not knowing where I was going. I wound up getting lost in my own thoughts while wondering into a forest. After a while of more walking I began to get tired. I laughed to myself as I lifted my head and saw a cabin not to far from me.

"Of course." I whispered to myself. I shrugged and began to walk towards it not thinking of the dangers that might occur. I got close enough to see light leaking from the window near the door. I couldn't really see inside because of the curtains. I gathered enough courage and knocked on the door. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Samanthia? What are you doing here?" Vegard asked.

"God damn it Vegard, I didn't know you acutally had a cabin." I said.

"Yeah, do you want to come in?" He asked. I nodded and slowly walked into the cozy cabin. I sighed and sat in a chair.

"What's wrong?" Vegard asked sitting next to me.

"Nothing." I said. He laughed,

"You've been crying, don't try and lie to me." He said. I sighed,

"Nothing, Bård, Calle, everything is just falling apart."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, resting his hand on mine.

"I really don't..." I said quietly, I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Alright." He said before standing up. I stood up after him,

"I left..." He turned around,

"I can see that." He replied.

"Bård told Calle I said I loved him, which wasn't true. Now Calle thinks I'm cheating on him with Bård...So I left, and now I am here...Can I sleep here?" I tried explaining myself. Vegard smiled,

"Of course! Follow me." He said, walking up the stairs. I followed him, he opened a door to a good sized bedroom, with a twin sized bed, and a bookcase filled with books. I wrapped my arms around Vegard,

"Thank you for letting me stay here tonight...but uh, do you have any extra clothes I can change into?" I asked. He laughed and left the room soon coming back with a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt. I accepted the clothes,

"Thank you." I said. He smiled and left the room, and I got changed. I got underneath the covers and stared at the celling.


Calle's P.O.V


It was...different being alone. I stared up at the celling. Where was she anyway? I thought. I left the bed and went to Matt and Demetry who were still in the living room watching TV.

"Where's Samanthia?" I asked from the top of the stairs. They both looked up at me,

"She left." Matt sad coldy.

"Where?" I began to worry.

"I don't fucking know." He replied.

"Alright calm down." I said returning to the room. It was already midnight. I tried calling her, but it didn't work.


Vegard's P.O.V


"Yes?" I asked, after I heard a knock on the door. Samanthia crept in my room and leaned on my bed.

"I can't sleep." She whispered. I laughed,

"Nah, you just want to be with me." She stuck her tounge out at me,

"Whatever, may I?" She asked slowly pulling away some covers. I smiled,

"Yes, get in here rascal." She smiled and cuddled close to me. I kissed her forehead. She looked up at me with a smile and kissed my nose.

"Goodnight." She whispered snuggling her head in my chest. I rested my head on top of hers.

"Goodnight." I whispered back. I finally fell asleep.


Samanthia's P.O.V


I awoke the next morning forgetting I was with Vegard. I stretched and Vegard opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile.

"Good morning!" He said.

"Good morning." I replied. He got out of the bed and grabbed a tank top and stood in the doorway.

"Want some coffee'?" He asked. I smiled and nodded getting out of the bed and following him. I sat at the table. He soon came back with two mugs of coffee'. I took a sip and looked at Vegard,

"Thank you." I said.

"Anytime dear." He replied. I shook my head,

"Thank you, for everything." I said. He smiled and stood up extending his hand. I took it and he pulled me into a hug.

"You're welcome." He said in the crook of my neck. He moved his head back, and stared into my eyes. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. I gave into the kiss, The kiss I wanted for ages.


Don't ask, uhm, this chapter is weird I know, Please don't make an uprising though...gah blerg, I have just been in an off mood lately, so I don't know why or how that matters, so sorry if it is short and if you don't like whats going on I guess? Hah anyway thank you for reading and commenting!!

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