Chapter 39

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I got home and we back to my bedroom. I couldn't help but feel I love Vegard too. But Calle...he is mad, I need to know why! I went to the bathroom and got in the shower.

*Calle's P.O.V.*

I heard the shower water running so I decided to take a chance. I hurried and went into our bedroom and started snooping around. Nothing. I looked through her vanity, tears formed in my eyes when I saw the photo booth pictures we had on one of our first dates. I reached in my front pocket and got the other half and joined them together. I closed my eyes and sighed. I put the picture back in her drawer and mine back in my pocket. I wiped my tears away. I heard the water shut off.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself. I ran to the closet and heard the door open. I peaked out and saw her beautiful body. I missed that, but wait. Cuts? I grabbed some of my clothes and walked out getting a closer look. Both of her arms. Covered. In red, bloody cuts. It brought tears to my eyes again. I turned and hurried out of the room stubbing my toe in the doorway and tripping.

"Ow, ow fuck fuck fuck." The clothes left my hand and I grabbed my foot.

"Calle?" I heard her voice. I lost all pain in my foot and I stood up and tried to get away. A hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Calle in here now." She said in a deep tone. I turned around and looked into her beautiful grey eyes and sighed. I sat on the bed.

"Talk to me." She said.

"Hold on. What are those...the cuts. Why?" I asked. She backed away and tried to cover them.

"I don't know." She whispered.

I stood up and walked over to her,

"Yes you do. Is it because you cheated on me and felt guilty?" I felt my temper being to rise. She backed some more and hit the wall.

"Calle what are you talking about?!" She asked now crying.

"The kiss! Samanthia...the Kiss! I saw it with my own eyes at the hospital!" I explained. Her eyes opened a bit more.

"That was nothing...he kissed me." She tried to explain. I rolled my eyes.

"Never heard that before." She grabbed my arm.

"Calle. I love you. More than anything. He was hurt and needed something, I guess. It was friendly, not romantic." She said more tears coming, "Please don't be mad anymore. I can't take it!" She got louder and broke down. Before she reached the floor I grabbed her and held on to her tightly. She sobbed loudly, I stroked her hair.

"It's okay. We're okay." I whispered in her ear. She eventually calmed down and moved back.

"I love you Samanthia. I'm sorry. I never meant for it to go this far." I said stroking her arms.

"Neither did I." She mumbled.

*Bård's P.O.V.*

"No, I'm fine." I said to the figure sitting to my left.

"No you aren't." The figure to my right whispered.

"YES I AM." I yelled. People in the waiting room stared at me, giving me nasty looks.

"What are you looking at?" I asked the room. I closed my eyes as my headache came back again. I looked to my left and right and saw the figured were no longer there. I held myself and started shaking.

"Ylvisåker." A female voice called. I jumped up and walked over to her.

"Follow me please." She said. She looked familiar. We got to her office and I took a seat across from her. She looked like Samanthia. Actually alot like Samanthia. In fact it was!

"Hello Bård, I-" She said.

"Hello Mrs. Hjven." I said with a smile. She looked at me funny.

"No, I'm Dr. Schult." She said. I laughed and shook my head.

"No..,no Samanthia. Stop playing games. Or I will have to hurt you." A loud ringing came to my ears and I held my head.

"No Bård. I am Dr. Schult, now I have results an-"

"AHHHH." I screamed as the pain got worse. I screamed as loud as I could. The voices got louder.

"You aren't fine!"

"Can't you tell?!" I felt my arms being pulled back and a pinching sensation in my neck. I blacked out.

*Samii's P.O.V.*

I woke up early next morning with a pain in my stomache. I hurried and went to the bathroom and released myself. I was in the bathroom for over and hour. Every time I had to vomit it was very violent.

"Help." I tried to say loud enough, "Help." I whimpered.

"Samanthia? Are you okay?" A male voice asked. Everything sounded echo-y.



I could hear very little things anymore. I tried to stay awake. But I failed.


I could hear a faint beep, and I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a baby blue coloured room in a white bed. I am Samanthia Hellevang-Larsen. I am 23 years old. I don't have children. I saw the IV in my arm and began to panic.

"Samanthia?" I saw Calle hurry to my side.

"W-where." My throat hurt, I could barely talk.

"You are in the hospital, you had a flu. A bad stomache flu. The doctor perscribed you antibiotics and you can come home later today if you are feeling it." He explained. I slowly began to process everything he had just said. I smiled a little.

"Okay." I whispered, "Ice?" I saw Calle hand me my cup and I ate a spoonful of the ice. Calle helped.

"How about I sit?" I regain a bit more of my vocals after the ice.

"No." Calle said firmly. I shook my head and tried to sit up but there was a throbbing pain in my stomache.

"Gahh." I gasped and Calle helped my back down.

"Calle." I said holding my stomache.

"Uhm, by stomache flu. It could aslo mean your appendix was about to burst?" He said.

"What?!" I said loudly holding my stomache as that agitated it.

"Your appendix was about to burst. They had to remove it." He explained.

"You could have just told me that." I said with a small smile before drifting asleep.

*Bård's P.O.V.*

"Schizophreina?!" I asked the nurse. He nodded.

"It runs in the family. I have perscribed you medicine to help dull the symptoms." He said. I got angry.

"No. This isn't supposed to happen." I said to the nurse.

"NO IT'S NOT SHUT UP!" I yelled at the figure next to me.

"Bård, Sir, calm down. There is no one there." I stood up and lundged at the nurse and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Yes I'm going to kill him." I said.

"Yes it is his fault! It's everyone's fault!" I yell. The nurse stopped struggling. Stopped breathing. I stood up and left the room. I left the hospital. I went to search for my next target.

~~•Author's Note•~~

Hey guys! How are you?! I'm doing well. So who do you think Bård's Next target is?! Am I exciting you guys? I know I have been lacking a bit. But now I got my mojo back. Oh yeah. Haha Have a good day! Please comment and vote!!! Love you guys! Bye!

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