Chapter 40

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*Bård's P.O.V.*

I texted Calle. <Hey man. Can I come over? The show is starting soon. So I wanna go through some skits.> I almost immediately got a reply. <She's not here.> I laughed,

"She's not the one I'm after." I said out loud. <I don't care about her really.> I hit send and got in my car and started it up. My phone vibrated. <Okay, come over.> I smiled and backed out of the hospital parking lot and and starting driving to Samanthia's.

*Samanthia's P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes. I was still in the hospital...Why? I thought I was getting discharged.

"I guess I came in at the right time?" My doctor said walking to my bed.

"I thought I was getting discharged." I said wearily.

"Yes, I'm sorry. The medicine was still very heavy on you, while you slept you flatlined twice. We decided to keep you for a little bit, now I see you have woken up. I changed your medicine from 400mg down to 300mg just incase anything happens." He explained. "Who do you want me to call to pick you up?" He asked. I smiled.

"My husband please."

*Bård's P.O.V*

I knocked on the door and Calle let me in.

"Thank you." I said sitting on the couch.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Calle asked before sitting down. I nodded,

"Some water please." He left to the kitchen and I looked around. I suddenly felt nervous. He came back with a glass of water and sat next to me. I took a sip.

"So what did you have in mind." Calle asked.

"Well, like we did with the bananas." I took the water again. "Something kinda like that, with a different fruit. Besides an egg, watermelon and bananas."

"Oooh strawberries." He said excitedly. I laughed. I'm going to miss his zanyness.

"Strawberries...that's grand." I said before smashing the glass of water on top of his head. I was surprised It knocked him out. He rolled off the couch. I moved up and took the rope from my back pocket and sat him on a chair and tied him up.

*Samanthia's P.O.V.*

My doctor quickly returned with a confused face.

"I'm sorry but your husband isn't there anyone else we can contact?" He said.

I smiled, "Yes there is. Vegard Ylvisåker." I said, giving him his number. He left my room once more. Why didn't Calle answer? Where is he? He never goes without his phone...maybe it died. The doctor soon came back with a smile.

"He will be here any minute." He said. I smiled and nodded. He was right, no less than 6 minutes later Vegard was in my room helping me gather everything. We walked out with his arm slung around my shoulder pulling me close.

"You feeling okay?" He asked opening my door for me.

"Eh, my stomache still hurts, and still a bit tired." He smiled and shut the door, went around back and put my things in the trunk. He got in the drivers seat and took my hand.

"Don't worry we will get you home...something small to eat, some medicine and let you sleep princess." He said backing out. I felt a heat sensation move from my ears to my cheeks.

"Aw, your cute when you blush." He said looking over at me causing me to go more red.

*Calle's P.O.V.*

I slowly awoke. I was restrained. My hands were tied behind my back...more like toa chair. My feet were tied as well. I began to struggle when I felt a cold, sharp object on my throat.

"Don't try anything." A man whispered in my ear. My head twisted to face the man.

"Bård." I said angrily. Loudy. He took a step back and smiled.

"Yes. You got that right." He said.

"What do you want?" I asked him trying to untie myself. No luck.

"I want you...." He came over with a picture of Samanthia and I on our wedding day. "Out of the picture." He took the picture from the frame and began to carve my face out of it. I began rocking the chair woth much force.

"You aren't going to get away!" I yelled. He backhanded me. I wasn't sure or not if my nose was bleeding. I think it was. Bård's head shot up and he moved to the window.

"I have givin' you long enough." He said.

*Bård's P.O.V.*

"I have givin' you long enough." I said, venom lacing my every last word. I reached back for my knife and walked over to him. I sat the knife firmly on his neck.

"I'm sorry. We could always get David back. I hope you don't mind." I said before slicing his neck in one thrust. The blood began to pour. I cut the ropes and let him fall to the floor. I took the rope back and put the chair back where is was. I went to the door and opened it, I looked back.

"Poor fellow." I said leaving.

*Samanthia's P.O.V.*

Vegard's hand never left mine. We made it back to my house.

"Do you need help?" He asked. I looked up at him with puppy eyes. He smiled and left the car opening my door and helping me out. He went round the back and got my bag and held it to me. We walked up to the door.

"Key...shit." I muttered.

"Don't you have a hiddeb spare somewhere?" Asked Vegard. I shook my head. I closed my eyes and took a breath hoping the door was unlocked. It was. I smiled at Vegard.

"Calle." I called. I went to the living room to drop my bag. Oh I did, I dropped the bag and soaked up the view. I couldn't move, tears began to flow my eyes. I let out a blood hurling scream. Vegard came running.

"Oh my god." He whispered. I collasped on Calle's lifeless body and sobbed. Vegard fell next to me crying as well. By now I was covered in his blood. Vegard has called 9-11. I cried harder. All I know now is that I was holding on to my dead husband.

~~•Author's Note•~~

Sorry for jumping Point of views alot. I just wanted too. Thats all. Comment please, tell what you thought

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