Chapter 35

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It was the reception now, we cut the cake and we were all out at the park having fun. We had the "Married couple's first slow dance". Pretty silly name, but it happened. Valencia and I were sitting at a table laughing about Bård and how he tried to object. I took another sip of champagne,

"He's such a jkuto." Valencia said, I couldn't help but turn my head, spit out the sparkling drink and laughed the hardest I have for a while. I wiped my mouth, Valencia laughed even harder. We finally calmed down and there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked up at the man and smiled.

"May I have this dance?" Vegard asked holding out his hand. I glanced back at Valencia, she was smiling too.

"Of course!" I replied gingerly, I took his hand and he walked me to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he sat his hands firmly on my waist. His eyes turned sad and he looked down.

"Vegard...what is it?" I asked him bringing his face up to where his eyes connected with mine.

"You are married now. I can't believe I'm saying this..but I'm scared to lose you." He said.

"Aw, Veggie," I held him closer, I rested my head on his shoulder, "You will never lose me."

"Promise?" He asked. I moved my head back and smiled,

"I promise." He kissed my cheek and we finished our dance without speaking, just gazing in eachother's eyes.


Calle threw me on the bed and began to tear off his clothes, I did the same. He crawled up to me and kissed me thing led to the next and we lie by eachother panting. Calle turned to me and kissed me.

"I love you." I giggled,

"I love you too." I snuggled closer to him and feel asleep.


I looked around in the room. I laughed and jumped on the couch. The door opened and Vegard entered, he sat by me and licked my cheek.

"What the hell?" I asked him. He just laughed and kissed me. He kissed me again and again. He pulled away,

"I love youu." He said. I kissed his nose,

"I love you too." Then he vanished,

"Wha?" I asked to myself. The door opened again, It was Calle. He sat by me and gently kissed my neck. I brought his face to mine and kissed him like how I kissed Vegard before...again and again.

"I love you." He said quietly.

"I lov-." I didn't get to finished, he had already dissappeared. I sighed and the door opened a third time. Bård came in and sat next to me. He took my hand,

"I love you. More than anything." He kissed me. I pulled back,

"I love you too." Then we kissed...again...and again. The two other men appeared.

"You have to choose." Calle said. Bård left me and stood next to Vegard.

"Which one?" Bård asked.

"Yes, pick one." Vegard added. I held my face,

"I can't!" I yelled.


My eyes opened wide as I realized I had yelled that out loud.

"Sweetie are you okay?" Calle asked not moving, his eyes still shut. I rubbed my temples and sighed,

"Uh, yeah." I said quietly. I looked up at the celling thinking.

'I had picked one...had I?' I thought. I looked over at Calle. Bård and Vegard popped into my head.

'...Why does this have to be so hard?' I asked myself quietly. I shook my head, closed my eyes and hoped to fall back asleep.

A\N: I know, I know, It has been forever...DON'T HATE ME! Please..Most of you know I have started a new story called 'Roses for Lia'. I hope you guys are enjoying that one so far, The love interest there is Vegard! So Comment of what you thought of this chapter....and my new story!! Is it good so far? Thank you guys!! Love youu!!

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