6. "You want me to be your Daddy?"

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Namjoon woke up at 12:30 pm the next day, even though he went to sleep really early. When he walked out of his room he saw Chimy eating chicken nuggets and all the members staring at him with an annoyed expression on his face except Jin who had a bright smile on his face. All of the memories about what happened last night came back to Namjoon. He opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't say anything in fear of them yelling at him. If they yelled at him, he might slip into little space or Jin might tell them that he was a little. Namjoon just turned around to go to his room.

"Wait! Joonie!" Namjoon froze after hearing "Joonie" and it not being Jimin who said it. When Namjoon turned around he saw all of the members staring at Jin.

"Why did you call him Joonie? Only Chimy calls him that." Asked Jungkook.

"O-oh yeah. Sorry." Jin said quickly trying to cover up his mistake.

"Well, Namjoon, I'm going to the store and you need to come with me."


"We need to talk about last night, and not what these idiots are thinking about. What happened when I was talking to you." Namjoon looked down at his feet.

"Jin-hyung, do we have to talk about it?" Namjoon asked so quietly that everyone could barley hear him.


"O-okay." Namjoon said as they went out the front door.

"I wonder what happened when they were talking." Taehyung said.

"Yeah." Yoongi replied.

"The way Jin was talking made it seem really important, and Namjoon seemed really embarrassed." Said Jungkook.

"Well we'll let Jin-hyung handle Namjoon. We need to take care of Chimy right now." Yoongi stated.

"Yeah." All of the members agreed.

When Jin and Namjoon were walking to the car, Namjoon didn't dare to speak or even look up. When they got in the car, Jin broke the silence.

"Why didn't you tell us? You know we accept littles. You see how much we care about Chimy."

"I-I thought you wouldn't w-want to take care of t-two littles." Namjoon stuttered quickly.

"Namjoon-ah, none of us would think any different taking care of two littles. We love littles. Joonie is really cute, at least from what I saw of him last night. How long have you known?"

"I-I've known since that night when Jungkook thought I was mad at him. That day was the first time I slipped into little space. I was talking care of Chimy and I slipped into it. When Jungkook got home I slipped out of it. I didn't really understand until when you were all gone. I slipped into it for the second time for hours. When you all got home I panicked. That's why I ran into my room and Jimin's room was messy."

"I knew it!"


"I've known since that day."


"Well there was hints everywhere. I was the only who saw you run out of Jimin's room, so I had my suspicions. I watched how you interacted with Chimy. You always would glance at his toys and want to play, but look away. When you were glancing over at his toys yesterday, I could see how badly it was hurting you to be big. I was going to force you, but that's when Chimy asked you to play."

"O-oh. Was I really that obvious?"

"Yes, but none of the other members noticed as far as I know."

"Okay then."



"I need you to tell me from now on when you feel little. I want to take care of you and I'm sure the other members do too-"



"Please, please, please, please don't tell the others!"

"Fine. For now at least, but you still need to tell me. I'll take care of you."


"We're at the store." Namjoon looked up and saw they were at a kids store.

"H-hyung. You don't have to."

"Yes I do. Now, come on. We are going to get you whatever you want. Okay?"

"Okay." Namjoon walked into the store not daring to look up. He didn't want to see anything and go into little space.

"Do you like pacifiers?" Jin asked bluntly causing Namjoon to blush.

"Ummm.... y-yeah." Jin chuckled at how shy the younger was being about this.

"Okay well which ones do you want?" Namjoon didn't dare to look up.

"It's okay if you slip. I'll make sure you are safe, and I won't judge you. Just tell me what you want."

"O-okay." Namjoon looked up and saw a huge collection of pacifiers infront of him. He felt and urge to slip, but he contained it.

"So I saw from your pjs yesterday that you like the color pink. Do you want pink ones?" Jin asked. Namjoon modded shyly.

"You're so cute!" Jin said and pinched Namjoon's cheek causing him to giggle. Namjoon covered his mouth quickly and blushed after realizing he giggled and almost slipped.

"Joonie?" Jin questioned.  Namjoon was so close to little space that all Jin had to do to push him over the edge was call him "Joonie".



"I feel little."

"Okay. That's okay. Don't let go of my hand, and we'll pick out some things. Okay?"

"Okay." Jin and Namjoon walked through the store and picked out whatever Joonie wanted.


"Yes, cutie?" Jin said cheerfully making Namjoon giggle.

"C-can I call ywou Daddy?"

"You want me to be your Daddy?" Jin said cheerfully and acting surprised to make the younger giggle again.

"Yesh." Namjoon said while giggling.

"Of course I will, my sweet baby boy!"

"YAY!" Namjoon yelled causing the older to laugh. When they were in the car, Namjoon was playing with his new toys the whole time. Jin loved how adorable little Namjoon was. He just wished that everyone knew about Joonie.

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