1. "What just happened to me?"

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Jimin was asleep on the couch with a light pink paci in his mouth and baby blue blanket wrapped around him.

Jimin told all the members about him being a little about 5 months ago. Everyone was very accepting and kind about it, and all the members wanted to care for little Chimy. They all thought he was adorable, especially Yoongi. He even became his number one care giver, the only one Chimy would call Daddy. All of the members coo at how cute Chimy is, but they never hesitate to have his daddy punish him when he needs it.

All of the members were out of the dorms other than Jimin and Namjoon, but, since Jimin was asleep, Namjoon was pretty much on his own. He decided to tidy up Jimin's room a little since Chimy had all of his stuffies and crayons out earlier while playing.

When Namjoon saw the brown teddy bear Jimin named Chocolate on his bed, Namjoon felt a small part of him telling him to pick it up. He didn't quite understand this feeling, because he wasn't a little, so why would he want to play with a stuffy? He continued cleaning Jimin's room while thinking about how he was going to learn the dances for the upcoming comeback.

The comeback was really stressing Namjoon out, especially the dances. He knows he's not the best dancer, but he can't even finish the new dances without falling.

As Namjoon was putting Chimy's crayons back inside of the coloring bin he saw a baby blue paci under the bed. That paci has been missing for a week, and Namjoon was relieved to find it before Chimy started asking what happened to his blue paci. Namjoon picked up the paci to put it back inside of the paci bin, but after he picked it up he felt an urge to put it in his own mouth.

"I mean it can't hurt as long as no ones sees me right, because I'm not a little." Namjoon thought to himself.

He put the paci in his pocket, and checked to make sure Jimin was still sleeping soundly on the couch. Sure enough, he was still out like a light. Namjoon quietly walked back to Jimin's room.

"I'll just suck on it until I'm done cleaning Jimin's room." Namjoon quietly whispered to himself.

He put the baby blue pacifier in his mouth, and he felt a sudden sense of relaxation. Suddenly, Namjoon didn't want to clean anymore. He just wanted to have fun.

Namjoon spotted a My Little Pony coloring book on the floor and some crayons. Namjoon didn't know what was coming over him. All he knew was that he liked what was happening, and he wanted to color. He felt like he had to color. It felt like his life depended on it. Namjoon ran over to the crayons and coloring book, but he tripped on his way. He stared crying softy so he wouldn't wake Chimy.

"Owwwy, Joonie huwrt." Namjoon whispered to himself in between tears. He quickly snapped back into reality and wiped his tears away with his sleeve.

"What am I doing I literally just tripped, and why did I decide to suck on a paci, and why did I want to color?"

These questions and many more were running through Namjoon's mind. Then, Namjoon heard someone enter the dorms. He threw the paci away and ran out of Jimin's bedroom door as quick as he could, but he accidentally ran into Jungkook who was also walking in the hall.

"Oh hey Hyung. I was looking for you. You weren't in the living room, so I looked for you in your room, but I couldn't find you."

"O-oh hey Jungkook-ah. I w-was just umm-"

"Playing with Chimy's toys."

"N-NO! W-why would y-you think t-that?!" Namjoon said while a light pink blush creeped up on his cheeks.

"I was just joking Hyung, but what were you doing in there?" Jungkook questioned seeing how flustered the elder was.

"I-I was j-just cleaning!"

"Oh. Okay. Hyung is something up you seem off?"

"I just... umm I... gotta go! Bye Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled as he ran off into his room.

"Wonder what's up with him?" Jungkook whispered to himself while he watched his hyung run into his bedroom. Jungkook went back to the living room to check that Chimy was still sleeping. He was still sleeping, but Jungkook knew that he would wake up from his nap in about 10 minutes, so he started preparing a snack for Chimy. Jimin is always hungry when he wakes up from his nap.

"What just happened to me?" Namjoon thought to himself as he laid down on his bed starring up at the ceiling.

"I'm not a little. I just acted like one for a minute, because I was stressed and not myself."

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